How Serious Do You Like Your Gaming?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I generally prefer a more serious game, but I rarely get it, especially if I GM, because I present a serious demeanor in general and my friends (and especially my wife) really enjoy poking holes in it. Of course, she's also a serious roleplayer, so sometimes we'll be playing and she'll just blow me away with the gravitas.

I think the issue is that I take the rules more seriously than most of my players, and don't play silly characters.

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I like my gaming to be very serious; what I actually get when we all sit down around the table each week is a different matter altogether.

Yeah, my favorite campaign setting is Ravenloft which usually is a more serious minded setting, but you can only control the way players engage with it so much, and it's not worth forcing seriousness. On the contrary, humor is often necessary to lighten that campaign and give it legs.


I like the serious game.

I want to keep most of the humor and such in the game play. I keep my game world a bit off kilter. My default is a more wacky zany 80's, so that makes it full of fun and humor...but as part of the game.

A little bit of out of game one liners is fine, but not too much. It's so easy for players to just derail a game with dumb stuff. I can crack down hard as DM, but many other DMs will let a game be disrupted for hours with other stuff. And I hate that. I came to play an RPG, not watch whatever dumb You Tube videos you found.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I have a "Serious" group that's into deep roleplaying, gritty mechanics, and intense plot twists. And I have a "Clownish" group that just wants to drink beer, throw dice, and holler about dragons.

Once, I tried to combine the two groups for a single one-shot on my birthday, and it--well, let's just say it will never be repeated.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I have a "Serious" group that's into deep roleplaying, gritty mechanics, and intense plot twists. And I have a "Clownish" group that just wants to drink beer, throw dice, and holler about dragons.

Once, I tried to combine the two groups for a single one-shot on my birthday, and it--well, let's just say it will never be repeated.
I had a serious-ish group and a beer and pretzels group and a single crossover was also a disaster. :ROFLMAO:


Victoria Rules
Using film as example Id say my fantasy games lean into Indiana Jones style. Pulpy adventure with big stakes, but plenty of dangerous yet humorous situations.
Xena-Hercules style for me, but the general idea is the same.

And round here, Monty Python quotes have largely been supplanted by Princess Bride and Spinal Tap quotes....and, of all things, Phantom Menace quotes: for a not-that-great movie it packs a pleasant number of oft-quotable lines. :)


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Xena-Hercules style for me, but the general idea is the same.

And round here, Monty Python quotes have largely been supplanted by Princess Bride and Spinal Tap quotes....and, of all things, Phantom Menace quotes: for a not-that-great movie it packs a pleasant number of oft-quotable lines. :)
Better slow down soon y'all will be in the 21st century. ;)

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