D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] Crisis in Bluffside PBP Campaign Guide


World of Kulan DM

Here is an update character sheet for Vinny. I was able to match most of the skill choices you made in the Rogues Gallery but it took the extra two levels the character has gained to get the numbers right. Note that I made his 7th level wizard and his 8th level swiftblade. While the martial rogue variant gives Vinny the fighter's feat progression it does not give the fighter's BAB, so at martial rogue 1/wizard 5, his BAB was only +2. With another level of wizard, Vinny's BAB goes to +3 and he qualifies for the prestige class. I have not added any new spells to the character, but I did update his 3rd level spells since he is now a swiftblade.

Look it over and let me know what you think.

EDIT: I realized last night while falling asleep that I forgot to add Vinny's skill ranks for his swiftblade level and realized this morning that I didn't give him hps for that level either and that he gets an ability score increase for 8th level.

I'm assuming you will want to increase either Dexterity or Intelligence.

Vinny - hp for 8th level:
1D6 = [6] = 6
+2 for Con


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World of Kulan DM

I decided to do a Heroforge design for Breva. :D



second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011

Note that I made his 7th level wizard and his 8th level swiftblade. While the martial rogue variant gives Vinny the fighter's feat progression it does not give the fighter's BAB, so at martial rogue 1/wizard 5, his BAB was only +2. With another level of wizard, Vinny's BAB goes to +3 and he qualifies for the prestige class....

EDIT:... he gets an ability score increase for 8th level.

I'm assuming you will want to increase either Dexterity or Intelligence.

Vinny - hp for 8th level:
1D6 = [6] = 6 +2 for Con
+1 to int, please


World of Kulan DM
Silagord's Spellbook
0th - acid splash, amanuensis, arcane mark, caltrops, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, dim illumination *, disrupt undead, distract, electric jolt, enchanting flavor *, firefly *, flare, ghost sound, hygiene *, launch bolt, launch item, light, lock/unlock *, mage hand, mending, message, moment of deflection *, open/close, prestidigitation, proper burial *, ray of frost, read magic, repair minor damage, resistance, sea eyes *, silent portal, sonic snap, sort coins *, stick, summon bag *, summon garment *, summon key *, summon mug *, summon pipe *, summon random item *, touch of fatigue

1st - alarm, grease, mage armor, magic missile, true strike

2nd - flaming sphere, web

* A spell from a d20/OGL sourcebook. (I will post more details later.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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