D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] Crisis in Bluffside PBP Campaign Guide


World of Kulan DM
Taran on Discord said:
Taran — Today at 11:54
is the calendar similar to ours?
The Ticin calendar is equivalent to the Julian calandar.

The Bluffside sourcebook didn't come with a unique calendar, so we'll assume it uses a calandar that is roughly the same as the Gregorian calendar. There are 12 gods for Bluffside, so each month will be assoicated with each deity, but we'll use the normal month names and days of the week.

January: Frozen One (Mimawr)
February: The Healer (Alurene)
March: Great Provider/"Spring God"
April: Ethereal One/Sky and Air
May: The Traveller (Lusos)
June: The Sustainer (Nugua)
July: Great Mother (Gias)
August: The Miner (Tagore)
September: Great Teacher (Dylona/Olius)
October: The Sufferer
November: The Purifier
December: The Builder (Hlarin)
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World of Kulan DM
I don't think I ever noted a time of year when the game started back on The Piazza. I probably meant for it to be near the beginning of Spring, so lets assume the last day of March.

Or perhaps the 15th of March. Yes, I like that idea better. The original game started on the Ides of March.

I'm going to say that the start of the game on EN World was 2d6 days after the start on The Piazza. Rolling with Coyote Code...
Number of days before start of Crisis of Bluffside on EN World: 2D6 = [4, 2] = 6

So, there very beginning of the game on EN World began exactly 6 days after the start of the original game over on The Piazza.

@Tellerian Hawke: Big Tim was brought to Kulan on the 19th of March (the month of the Great Provider). My first IC post for the EN World game is now officially the 21st of March.

I will figure out how much time has passed, and the current date, since then based on that start date.

Note that Tim's homeworld, Almagra, does not have the same number of days. It has roughly 1-1/2 times as many more days in the year as Kulan's standard 365. So, roughly 547.5 days. It's days are also 1/3rd longer. So, 32 hours in a day. It would have Tim some time to get used to the cycle of days on Kulan.

Almagrans, in general, have longer lifespans compared to those living on Kulan.
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World of Kulan DM
@Tellerian Hawke:
I've thinking a bit more about Almagra's planetary cycles, and what I had been considering was an orbital period that would place it half way between the orbital periods of Earth and Mars, but that would be 526 days. That's still way too long, IMO.

If I go with the idea of 1-1/4 of Earth's orbital period, it would mean that Almagra has a year equal to 456.25 days. Assuming a normal 7 day week (although I might have created a 10-day week for Almagra), the planet would have around 65 weeks in comparison to Earth's 52 weeks. This would be three extra months for a total of 15 months with around 30 days in each month (six would have 31). Almagra would probably have leap years too, but I'm not sure what the interval would be (and it's not really that important).

If it was, indeed, a 10-day week, then it would be roughly 45 weeks with an extra 5 days left over for "special" days. That would be 9 months with 5 weeks in each month. I think I prefer the idea of 15 months.

Regardless, each day would still have 24 hours, which is best for the rules of the game.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Imagine a discussion of two planar druids, one from 24h day and one 32h day.

32: "Man, I hate this Endure elements. Keeps you safe, but you still have to have special tent to not freeze or cook in the night!"
24: "What are you babbling about, you just cast it in each morning and you're covered! What tent!?"
32: "Not it doesn't! You have to cast it 4 times in 3 days, or it doesn't cover you for the night!"
<fight ensues>


World of Kulan DM
Moved maps of Old City here so the maps are easier to find, hopefully. -KF

Here's the player's map for Old City. It doesn't take into account the ruined sections in Lantern Ward after the Battle of the Crossed Candles. A reminder that North is towards the left side of the map.

Old City_New Player's Map.jpg

Southeastern Old City
Southeastern Old City.jpg


World of Kulan DM
@TaranTheWanderer, note that the bakery known as the Rising Dawn isn't located that close to the Ticinum Delagacy. Also, note that the deaf and mute knight (whose name the PCs don't know) is located in the Labyrinth of Lost Souls, a demiplane, which can be accessed from Gate of Scales' guard post (not the actual gate itself).

The gate's name came about due to its proximity to the Dragori Embassy. It was originally just a nickname but now everyone calls it the Gate of Scales.
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World of Kulan DM
"Old Oakfirst Manor" (near the Tribunal) is the place The Five has designated to be the headquarters for the Lionhead Knights. Previously, Oakfirst had given it over to the PCs to use as a base of operations, but Stormgrove Manor has turned out to be more secure.

That old manor house was Lord Commander Oakfirst's childhood home, but he and his family have an estate near the East Gate. Both the old manor and the estate have come under attack from Phelix's Loyalists. (The Dusk were also involved in attacking the estate.) Oakfirst has moved his family to a barracks house in the Military District.

The old manor will be secured with magical protections and most of the remaining personal items of the lord commander's parents will be either put into storage or moved to the Oakfirst Estate. Anything truly valuable will be moved to the Military District.

However, there is one room that will be left as it is now. The room of Lord Ayden, Reginald's second cousin, has been magically sealed since he died many years ago. Ayden was a wizard of some renown, as well as an adventurer. When the Loyalists attacked the old manor house, they didn't breach the wards protecting the dead wizard's room.

Oakfirst is interested in finding out what might be hidden in his cousin's room, but he'll leave it up to the PCs to discover the truth, if you guys choose to try to get past the wards. The door to Ayden's room is also locked with a superior lock.

Voidrunner's Codex

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