Blog (A5E) Level Up: Now on FOUNDRY VTT!

For fans of the Foundry virtual tabletop platform, our initial package for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is now available for free. (Yes, I completely made up those stats!) We're excited to present the beta release of the Foundry VTT Level Up system! The system is game-ready, but this release is only the beginning: you can expect plenty of new features over the coming weeks. The core...

For fans of the Foundry virtual tabletop platform, our initial package for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is now available for free.

Screen Shot 2022-01-13 at 3.43.28 PM.png

(Yes, I completely made up those stats!)
We're excited to present the beta release of the Foundry VTT Level Up system! The system is game-ready, but this release is only the beginning: you can expect plenty of new features over the coming weeks.

The core sheets provide handy automation features, from roll buttons to automatic resource tracking, as well as rich filtering to help keep your sheet organised.

While we packed a lot into this first release, some major features are yet to come. These include an interface to manage Active Effects and a suite of system compendiums containing all the great monsters, equipment, spells, and features from the Level Up system.

We hope you enjoy playing Level Up on Foundry!

If you have any feedback or want to report an issue, you can get help here.


For now, to install you will need to use the following Manifest link:

You should past that link into the Manifest URL field at the bottom of the System Installation tab. For more help on installing via a Manifest link, check out this page at Foundry’s website. Level Up will be added to the main list soon.


Other VTT Platforms
Don’t forget, Roll20 fans can already get Memories of Holdenshire on Roll20, and they can get the Level Up character sheet on Roll20 for free. Fantasy Grounds is also producing its own in-house implementation of Level Up.

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Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
I'd like that list, please. I don't use Discord.

Here you go: Module list for giving extra functionalities to Foundry

Note that this is not an exhaustive list. This is just what has been written up as absolutely definitely working. Almost everything that is not system specific should work in A5e. We've got people running games with 100 modules without any conflicts :)

We're going to be adding a Wiki with this kind of information soon, and I'll post some links here when that's a reality.


For fans of the Foundry virtual tabletop platform, our initial package for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is now available for free.

View attachment 149862
(Yes, I completely made up those stats!)
We're excited to present the beta release of the Foundry VTT Level Up system! The system is game-ready, but this release is only the beginning: you can expect plenty of new features over the coming weeks.

The core sheets provide handy automation features, from roll buttons to automatic resource tracking, as well as rich filtering to help keep your sheet organised.

While we packed a lot into this first release, some major features are yet to come. These include an interface to manage Active Effects and a suite of system compendiums containing all the great monsters, equipment, spells, and features from the Level Up system.

We hope you enjoy playing Level Up on Foundry!

If you have any feedback or want to report an issue, you can get help here.


For now, to install you will need to use the following Manifest link:

You should past that link into the Manifest URL field at the bottom of the System Installation tab. For more help on installing via a Manifest link, check out this page at Foundry’s website. Level Up will be added to the main list soon.

Other VTT Platforms
Don’t forget, Roll20 fans can already get Memories of Holdenshire on Roll20, and they can get the Level Up character sheet on Roll20 for free. Fantasy Grounds is also producing its own in-house implementation of Level Up.
It is June 24th. When can we have some updates on functionality? It doesn't do inventory weight or let me select where I carry stuff. It doesn't do AC when I equip armor. Getting HP correct doesn't work. The list goes on, missing class features and missing automation which is honestly the only reason to use a VTT. I can use the most basic app to share a map and paper sheets if I wanted to. Sure it's free, I would rather pay a Kickstart for a more complete and working system. I love the A5E system. My players online now hate it because the VTT they see has turned them off to what should have been an easy sell. I follow the Discord. It isn't very helpful.

Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
It is June 24th. When can we have some updates on functionality? It doesn't do inventory weight or let me select where I carry stuff. It doesn't do AC when I equip armor. Getting HP correct doesn't work. The list goes on, missing class features and missing automation which is honestly the only reason to use a VTT. I can use the most basic app to share a map and paper sheets if I wanted to. Sure it's free, I would rather pay a Kickstart for a more complete and working system. I love the A5E system. My players online now hate it because the VTT they see has turned them off to what should have been an easy sell. I follow the Discord. It isn't very helpful.

Have you updated the system? Because some of those things you mention absolutely are a thing. Inventory weight, for example, is part of the system, and there are settings to configure that. You can exclude coin weight, for example. The latest system version in 0.7.2.

I also don't know what you mean by "Getting HP doesn't work". Could you elaborate on that.

The system also includes compendia with all of the class features, barring the classes not covered by the SRD (currently the GPG Artificer and the Savant from Zeitgeist).

Also, which Discord server are you following? If you're in the EN World server, then it won't be very useful, as Foundry discussion moved to a new community server. The Foundry chat was utterly consuming the EN World online-tools channel, and we needed more flexibility for organising work on the system, so it was better for us to create a new server. That happened back in March.

Announcements are put out on the new server for every system and module release for the system. I also regularly put out announcements here in this thread for major releases.


Have you updated the system? Because some of those things you mention absolutely are a thing. Inventory weight, for example, is part of the system, and there are settings to configure that. You can exclude coin weight, for example. The latest system version in 0.7.2.

I also don't know what you mean by "Getting HP doesn't work". Could you elaborate on that.

The system also includes compendia with all of the class features, barring the classes not covered by the SRD (currently the GPG Artificer and the Savant from Zeitgeist).

Also, which Discord server are you following? If you're in the EN World server, then it won't be very useful, as Foundry discussion moved to a new community server. The Foundry chat was utterly consuming the EN World online-tools channel, and we needed more flexibility for organising work on the system, so it was better for us to create a new server. That happened back in March.

Announcements are put out on the new server for every system and module release for the system. I also regularly put out announcements here in this thread for major releases.
I have the latest version yes. I have been updating every day. I haven't seen a major update in weeks.
As for the HP, this is the issue. When I make a new PC they always have a default 10HP. When I try and change it for the class it keeps changing back to 10. I have to keep going back.
I will look again at inventory weight. Still doesn't take care of things like AC. I will make a list of things.
I am not a skilled Java code guy. So I wait for some basic auto functionality updates.

Teaching players new stuff and trying to run the VTT sucks the fun out for my group.

Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
I have the latest version yes. I have been updating every day. I haven't seen a major update in weeks.

The last system update was on the 16th of this month. The one before that was on the 15th. However, it is not uncommon for there to be weeks between updates for Foundry systems. If we take D&D 5e as an example, the latest branch came out in June, but the one before that came out in October of last year.

It's worth noting that I am one person, and I don't get paid to work on this. At the same time, I'm also helping A5e creators get their content into VTTs, also for free. There is only so much time I can put in, and I have other commitments outside of this system. For example, prior to the update on the 15th, I was in the middle of the assessment period for my master's degree.

When I make a new PC they always have a default 10HP. When I try and change it for the class it keeps changing back to 10. I have to keep going back.

So, just to be really clear, you're saying that when you go into the hp settings page and change the value of the maximum hp, it reverts to 10 at some point. I can't reproduce this, and it hasn't been reported by anyone else, so I'm not sure what I can do to help you with that.

Still doesn't take care of things like AC. I will make a list of things.

It doesn't, no. Other things need to be in place before automatic AC calculation can be done in a sensible way, and there are plenty of other features that are just as important. They'll get done, but it takes time.

I am not a skilled Java code guy. So I wait for some basic auto functionality updates.

Luckily, not a single line of the system code is written in Java.

Teaching players new stuff and trying to run the VTT sucks the fun out for my group.

Nobody is forcing you to use the system. If you don't like it, and it's spoiling the game for your players, don't use it. There are plenty of alternatives.


Did you consider holding off until later?
That is what I'm doing - until I can either get an in-person group together to teach them the system or until the VTT option becomes so robust that it handles most things for the new players. I have been careful not to criticize the development of the system on Foundry since I realize it's a ton of work with limited resources. (And I took some flak about the PF2 Foundry VTT criticisms I made due to my ignorance of the process.)

Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
Hey everyone!

0.7.3 just came out with a few bug fixes. The main issues this release addresses are:
  • Characters with one hit die now recover that hit die when taking a long rest, as intended.
  • The listeners for newly created items should now work, allowing you to reorder items without a sheet refresh.
  • The 0.7.x branch introduced an issue where skill modifiers wouldn't update when the proficiency toggle was clicked. That has now been corrected.
You can find the full release notes on GitHub.


I have two things that I have found in the foundry Vtt the synergy feats are missing and magic items are just not there. I found that i have to make all of them. I love the customization on the system but it not very easy to make them but i see that as a learning curve. Also, a couple of my players have and a hard time finding some of their class features.

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