3PP Release [Legendary Games] Get LevelUp Dragons Galore on Foundry VTT!


We are excited to announce even more monster goodness for Level Up: Advanced 5E with the amazing Oops! All Dragons! Despite the whimsical name, this book is all business, with 45 incredible draconic allies and enemies from the corrupted and cursed to holy, void, robotic, and steamwork dragons! You can grab Oops! All Dragons! for LevelUp A5E at DrivethruRPG in print and PDF (as well as for Foundry VTT), and we also have Oops! All Dragons! for classic 5E!


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Distracted DM

Distracted DM
All the mechanical stat block stuff. Level Up monsters have a lot more than that to them, and the rest is in the Field Guide.
Oh. So you need to buy both to get complete entries? That's... inconvenient. That's one reason I love the LU a5e monster stuff: the knowledge checks, sample encounters & loot, signs of presence, etc.
You need to have two different PDFs open to get the full experience with these?

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
OK yeah I checked the previews for both- you're right Micah the extra info, as well as the basic info, is in the Field Guide. The core product has the basic info, and the stats.
That seems like a weird choice, to separate them out like that? And you'd figure that they'd pitch the Field Guide in this post too. @LegendaryGames can y'all make a "complete" version that has it all conveniently together in one PDF?

They even have a LU a5e version, AND a separate 5e version. Why doesn't the LU a5e version have the LU a5e stuff? Breakin' my brain over here!

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Oh. So you need to buy both to get complete entries? That's... inconvenient. That's one reason I love the LU a5e monster stuff: the knowledge checks, sample encounters & loot, signs of presence, etc.
You need to have two different PDFs open to get the full experience with these?
I'm sorry. It wasn't something I thought about, because I backed the kickstarter and just got both pdfs.

Mike Myler

Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
OK yeah I checked the previews for both- you're right Micah the extra info, as well as the basic info, is in the Field Guide. The core product has the basic info, and the stats.
That seems like a weird choice, to separate them out like that? And you'd figure that they'd pitch the Field Guide in this post too. @LegendaryGames can y'all make a "complete" version that has it all conveniently together in one PDF?

They even have a LU a5e version, AND a separate 5e version. Why doesn't the LU a5e version have the LU a5e stuff? Breakin' my brain over here!

All of the Draconic Field Guide was written after the Kickstarter. To implement that in the same book as all the statistics would have pushed back when people would have gotten their books by something like 3–4 months. Also it would've meant some tricky reformatting of two books (instead of just new formatting for one book, and wrecked both their art schedules) as well as some conversion work for the 5E book—logistically it was just much simpler and more attainable to make the Draconic Field Guide its own thing.

Voidrunner's Codex

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