Blog (A5E) Level Up: Now on FOUNDRY VTT!

For fans of the Foundry virtual tabletop platform, our initial package for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is now available for free. (Yes, I completely made up those stats!) We're excited to present the beta release of the Foundry VTT Level Up system! The system is game-ready, but this release is only the beginning: you can expect plenty of new features over the coming weeks. The core...

For fans of the Foundry virtual tabletop platform, our initial package for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition is now available for free.

Screen Shot 2022-01-13 at 3.43.28 PM.png

(Yes, I completely made up those stats!)
We're excited to present the beta release of the Foundry VTT Level Up system! The system is game-ready, but this release is only the beginning: you can expect plenty of new features over the coming weeks.

The core sheets provide handy automation features, from roll buttons to automatic resource tracking, as well as rich filtering to help keep your sheet organised.

While we packed a lot into this first release, some major features are yet to come. These include an interface to manage Active Effects and a suite of system compendiums containing all the great monsters, equipment, spells, and features from the Level Up system.

We hope you enjoy playing Level Up on Foundry!

If you have any feedback or want to report an issue, you can get help here.


For now, to install you will need to use the following Manifest link:

You should past that link into the Manifest URL field at the bottom of the System Installation tab. For more help on installing via a Manifest link, check out this page at Foundry’s website. Level Up will be added to the main list soon.


Other VTT Platforms
Don’t forget, Roll20 fans can already get Memories of Holdenshire on Roll20, and they can get the Level Up character sheet on Roll20 for free. Fantasy Grounds is also producing its own in-house implementation of Level Up.

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Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
Love the work on this - thank you!

Is there anywhere I can get a document with the variables that can be called like @MOD?


In the Discord server there's a pinned message in the #macro-help channel with a bunch of attribute references. We'll soon be adding a wiki with information like this, as well as a reference page within Foundry.

The main ones are @str.mod, @dex.mod, @con.mod, etc., @level, and @prof. You can also reference save mods with and so on.

If there's something else you need, let me know, and I'll see what I can do to add it in the next release :)

Edit: I think it's fairly clear, but I realised I never explained @level and @prof. @level is total character level, and this doesn't fall back to CR for NPCs. @prof references the actor's proficiency bonus.
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Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
Hey everyone,

We’ve had a load of content releases for the A5e Foundry system over the past couple of weeks, and I thought it would be nice to draw attention to some of this awesome A5e content that now has full Foundry support.

Premium Adventure Modules

Memories of Holdenshire:
This is the official starter adventure for Level Up, and it’s designed to gently introduce players to the expanded ruleset of A5e. You can find it on the EN Publishing store and on DTRPG.

Update: Memories of Holdenshire has temporarily been taken off sale while some issues are corrected. If you already purchased the module, you will receive a patch in the near future when the module goes back on sale.

The Sugar Crumb Fairy: An adventure written by Anthony Alipio set in the Plane of Faerie. This is a great little adventure designed for 3rd or 4th-level characters and can be finished in 4-6 hours. You can find it here.

Premium Content Modules

The Handbook of Heritages:
This is a major supplement for the A5e origin options, including 10 new heritages, 8 new cultures, and expanded gifts for several existing heritages. You can find it here.

Thematic Toolkit: Arcane Avenger: The first of Peter Martin’s Thematic Toolkit offerings adds new archetypes for the Herald and Sorcerer classes. You’ll also find a new synergy feat tree for multi-classes Herald/Sorcerer characters. The Foundry module is now provided free with the PDF on DTRPG.

Thematic Toolkit: Cultist: The latest Thematic Toolkit release from Peter Martin. This release includes the Execrator archetype for the Cleric class, and the Vestigialist Warlock. Once again, you also get a synergy feat tree to support multi-classing between the two base classes. The Foundry module is now provided free with the PDF on DTRPG.

Homebrew and Hacking Kickstarter

There are two additional premium modules that have not yet been released, but which are currently available for purchase as part of PJ Coffey’s current Kickstarter campaign for Crafting Personalised Feats. You can both modules as add-ons when backing the campaign.

You can find the Kickstarter campaign page here if you’re interested in backing the project.

Free Modules

There have also been several updates to the free module offerings for the A5e system. Most notably, Automated Animations now has A5e support, meaning you can very easily enjoy a wealth of animated spell and weapon effects in your A5e games.

That’s it for now, but you can expect plenty more content over the coming weeks!

Just a reminder: We have dedicated support and discussion channels for all of this content on our community Discord server, and we also put out regular release and update announcements. It’s a great place to keep up to date with this stuff.

I hope you enjoy the new content!
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First Post
Hey everyone,

We’ve had a load of content releases for the A5e Foundry system over the past couple of weeks, and I thought it would be nice to draw attention to some of this awesome A5e content that now has full Foundry support.

Premium Adventure Modules

Memories of Holdenshire:
This is the official starter adventure for Level Up, and it’s designed to gently introduce players to the expanded ruleset of A5e. You can find it on the EN Publishing store and on DTRPG.

Update: Memories of Holdenshire has temporarily been taken off sale while some issues are corrected. If you already purchased the module, you will receive a patch in the near future when the module goes back on sale.

The Sugar Crumb Fairy: An adventure written by Anthony Alipio set in the Plane of Faerie. This is a great little adventure designed for 3rd or 4th-level characters and can be finished in 4-6 hours. You can find it here.

Premium Content Modules

The Handbook of Heritages:
This is a major supplement for the A5e origin options, including 10 new heritages, 8 new cultures, and expanded gifts for several existing heritages. You can find it here.

Thematic Toolkit: Arcane Avenger: The first of Peter Martin’s Thematic Toolkit offerings adds new archetypes for the Herald and Sorcerer classes. You’ll also find a new synergy feat tree for multi-classes Herald/Sorcerer characters. The Foundry module is now provided free with the PDF on DTRPG.

Thematic Toolkit: Cultist: The latest Thematic Toolkit release from Peter Martin. This release includes the Execrator archetype for the Cleric class, and the Vestigialist Warlock. Once again, you also get a synergy feat tree to support multi-classing between the two base classes. The Foundry module is now provided free with the PDF on DTRPG.

Homebrew and Hacking Kickstarter

There are two additional premium modules that have not yet been released, but which are currently available for purchase as part of PJ Coffey’s current Kickstarter campaign for Crafting Personalised Feats. You can both modules as add-ons when backing the campaign.

You can find the Kickstarter campaign page here if you’re interested in backing the project.

Free Modules

There have also been several updates to the free module offerings for the A5e system. Most notably, Automated Animations now has A5e support, meaning you can very easily enjoy a wealth of animated spell and weapon effects in your A5e games.

That’s it for now, but you can expect plenty more content over the coming weeks!

Just a reminder: We have dedicated support and discussion channels for all of this content on our community Discord server, and we also put out regular release and update announcements. It’s a great place to keep up to date with this stuff.

I hope you enjoy the new content!
I know you said the premium modules were going to be taken offline for a bit - But was there an ETA on this? I just got my books and I'm looking forward to running it for some of my friends who are long distance in combination with folks who are local. This is great work, btw. Thank you very much!

Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
I know you said the premium modules were going to be taken offline for a bit - But was there an ETA on this? I just got my books and I'm looking forward to running it for some of my friends who are long distance in combination with folks who are local. This is great work, btw. Thank you very much!


No, the premium modules are still online, and there are some new ones that have come out since posting the list above. One I can think of off the top of my head is MoAR. The only one which was taken down was Memories of Holdenshire, and a fix was published for it 3 days ago. It's just a matter of the sales pages being opened back up. From what I hear, this will happen in a day or two.

If you're looking for things like Adventures in ZEITGEIST or the Gate Pass Gazette, no premium modules have been published for those yet. I hope they'll get support in the near future, but that's not down to me.

By the way, thanks for the tip on Ko-Fi! Much appreciated 😊



No, the premium modules are still online, and there are some new ones that have come out since posting the list above. One I can think of off the top of my head is MoAR. The only one which was taken down was Memories of Holdenshire, and a fix was published for it 3 days ago. It's just a matter of the sales pages being opened back up. From what I hear, this will happen in a day or two.

If you're looking for things like Adventures in ZEITGEIST or the Gate Pass Gazette, no premium modules have been published for those yet. I hope they'll get support in the near future, but that's not down to me.

By the way, thanks for the tip on Ko-Fi! Much appreciated 😊
Where do the Pre-generated characters show up on the updated version of Holdenshire? I had installed the original version.

Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
For those of you who have started playing or setting up for playing A5E on Foundry. What other modules have you been using?

Some folks in our community server have put together some documents for things like this. We have a document listing known compatible modules, but I think this one on migrating to Foundry from other VTTs may be more useful: Modules that are good for those who come over from Roll 20, by replicating its functionality-

It lists all of Nekro Darkmoon's modules in there as well. They've been working to provide small modules to provide automation currently missing in or not planned for the core system.

Hope that helps!

Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that some big updates were released for the A5e system today. This was mainly a feature release adding template support, inventory weight tracking, sheet configuration, variant rules support for diagonal movement, and more!

You can find a change log here: Release 0.7.0-beta · Pjb518/FoundryVTT-Level-Up-Official

There are likely to be a couple of additional patches for the 0.7.x branch, but our focus is now moving towards preparations for Foundry v10, which is coming in a couple of weeks. I wouldn't expect any new features until then.

Hope you enjoy the new goodies! 😁

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