Quests From The Infinite Staircase

D&D 5E Quests From The Infinite Staircase

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New Publisher
On the topic of the book.....

Picked it up at the store. One of the few times I love the exclusive cover way more than the standard.

This is an excellent set of adventures, each of which has a unique hook. I'll be running When A Star Falls for sure. Most likely expedition to the barrier peaks also. The book looks good. The monsters are unique. Big fan of this collection.

Oh and there is also an Egyptian God called Saa, so renaming the dead Pharoh Amun Sa did nothing, it's just embarrassing. Honestly I'm thinking of putting together a petition against WotC still doing this nonsense. They are wrecking lore for nothing and in a way that makes them more offensive not less.

I see no evidence that it improved anything.
I definitely prefer Amun-Sa to Amun-Ra, so that is at least an improvement for me!

Oh and their is also an Egyptian God called Saa, so renaming the dead Pharoh Amun Sa did nothing, it's just embarrassing. Honestly I'm thinking of putting together a petition against WotC still doing this nonsense. They are wrecking lore for nothing and in a way that makes them more offensive not less.
Maybe you shouldn’t state something that was modified by people of that culture is offensive towards them.

Maybe you shouldn’t state something that was modified by people of that culture is offensive towards them.

That culture & religion was wiped out long ago, and the current Egyptians are a mix of Christians and Muslims now. And are the couple of people truly representive sample of modern Egyptians? I bet I could find Egyptians that don't find the original offensive if I tried.

Anyways please stop drawing me further in please, I wish to leave this discussion because I just get more frustrated.


I definitely prefer Amun-Sa to Amun-Ra, so that is at least an improvement for me!
Maybe you shouldn’t state something that was modified by people of that culture is offensive towards them.
Not even the Pharaohs would have assumed the title of Amun-Re for themselves...and they believed they were God's! "Ra is Pleased," absolutely (Ramases). Near as I can suss out, Amun Sa means something like "heavenly protection," a proper name for a king.


On the topic of the book.....

Picked it up at the store. One of the few times I love the exclusive cover way more than the standard.

This is an excellent set of adventures, each of which has a unique hook. I'll be running When A Star Falls for sure. Most likely expedition to the barrier peaks also. The book looks good. The monsters are unique. Big fan of this collection.
I have never read or even skimmed the UK modules before, and...they are astonishing.

I am not sure how much it is that they updated them, or if they were originally way ahead of their time (probably...both?), but they feel way more contemporary than the delightful dungeon crawls in the collection.

Voidrunner's Codex

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