D&D General Catfolk cultural secrets

In my game, one of my friends is playing a Tabaxi (cat person). He's got a whole suite of Tabaxi NPCs in his backstory with names like something out of the Thundercats. (He's a swindler named Chee-tor. There's a drunken albino lion-man named Whiteclaw. A hairless Tabaxi named Sphynxo. Etc.)

So I've been working them into the story.

Last night the party is trying to rob a caravan that's camped for the night, and they spot a female Tabaxi perched up high, almost invisible in the night. With her darkvision, it'll make it very hard to get the drop on the caravan.

Chee-tor realizes this must be Dark Panthra, a fearsome warrior of the night. He doesn't want to kill her, so says he's going to use a secret technique known only to his people.

He examines the campfire the caravan is using, ponders the angles, pokes a tiny pinhole in a piece of leather, then creeps up, pulls out a tiny mirror and reflects the beam of light coming through the pinhole over to beside Dark Panthra.

I have her make a Wisdom saving throw, and she fails, so she immediately begins chasing the little glowing dot, which Chee-tor moves away into the darkness, drawing her away from her post so the party can strike!

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When I was running the Reign of Winter of Adventure Path a new player wanted to play a catfolk so we came up with a story of him being imprisoned by a winter witch the group was about to encounter as the intro set up.

Catfolk had not come up in my campaign yet so looking over the witch's persona in the module I offered the player the option to be an uplifted familiar who wanted to get away from the crazy cat lady.

Voidrunner's Codex

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