D&D General What would be a good published setting to use for a dead/dying world that has been taken over by Tharizdun?


I’ve been looking for a good published setting to use for a dead/dying world taken over by Tharizdun.

Some settings I’ve come across in my search:

  • Midnight (Fantasy Flight Games) --> probably not suitable; this is more of a ‘what if’ Sauron won rather than a dark destructive god.
  • Broken Weave (Crucible 7 Games) --> Does anyone have it? Would it be a good fit?

Can anyone think of more?

The idea is that Tharizdun is released from his prison and goes to war against all the gods. Eventually, with Good, Evil and Neutrality uniting against Tharizdun, the gods win but Oerth and Greyspace have to be sacrificed. Basically Greyspace is made Tharizdun’s new prison. But the gods no longer have access to the forsaken mortals of Oerth. The rest of the multiverse is saved, however, from the scourge of Tharizdun.

I’ll be running D&D (either 3rd, 4th or 5th edition) but any RPG system setting would be considered to get ideas.

Thank you

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