TSR Best Way to Replicate AD&D?


Theoretically, I have some players maybe interested in trying AD&D (probably of the 2e variety, but 1e and 2e are basically interchangable in my mind).
I have the original books, but I don't want to pass them around a table to get actually used. (They are delicate and my original books - so there's some sentimental feelings there.)
I want compatibility with the old adventures and settings, lower power level (than WotC era), easy to learn and play, nicely laid out.
Old School Essentials (even the advanced versions) feels like it completely misses the mark of what I remember about AD&D. Besides, something with "old" in the title isn't a great selling point with a table of teenagers. (Characters are way underpowered compared to AD&D. Not enough spells. It's missing a lot - I guess because it's based on B/X. I don't know, I came in with AD&D.)
I have For Gold and Glory, and I guess it would work. But something a bit better produced and nicer layout would be preferred.
Castles and Crusades - I really dislike the SIEGE engine. Maybe it's better than converting NWP and THAC0 and the strange thief skills?

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I would get OSRIC. It's just the AD&D rules, reorganized, much like OSE is for B/X. Unlike OSE, though, it's arranged more like a textbook, I'm told, for looking up the rules than the superior organization OSE has. But it gets you the pure experience without endangering 40 year old rulebooks.

EDIT: It looks like the Black Blade version, which looks like the nicer copy, IMO, has to be purchased via email. The granddaddy of the OSR is still mostly a hobbyist business.
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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
And if you think AD&D books (1e or 2e) are good as they are, you can get print-on-demand of both editions at DriveThruRPG.
I didn't even think of the POD versions! You can't get better than softcover that way, for reasons I'm sure come from the same place as WotC's OGL freakout did, but they sell for $30 a piece, or less during sales, like are going on now.


Theoretically, I have some players maybe interested in trying AD&D (probably of the 2e variety, but 1e and 2e are basically interchangable in my mind).
Blasphemer!! Burn the witch!!!

In all seriousness, I know there's a lot of similarity, but THAC0 really was a dramatic improvement. ;)

And you'll find a lot of people willing to rant until blue about the end of "Real D&D" having come from the addition of the Bard to the class list, but removing the Barbarian, Monk, and Assassin as core classes, as well as the Half-Orc as a race, and "forcing" everyone to use Non-Weapon Proficiencies.


B/X Known World


Blasphemer!! Burn the witch!!!

In all seriousness, I know there's a lot of similarity, but THAC0 really was a dramatic improvement. ;)

And you'll find a lot of people willing to rant until blue about the end of "Real D&D" having come from the addition of the Bard to the class list, but removing the Barbarian, Monk, and Assassin as core classes, as well as the Half-Orc as a race, and "forcing" everyone to use Non-Weapon Proficiencies.
I think 2e was mostly improvement. I loved specialty priests. 1e barbarian wasn't a loss and the Assassin class always sucked. roll percentile to see if you kill someone. Bad idea from the beginning.

Voidrunner's Codex

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