A while back my players were gifted a tract of land with an abandoned (sort of) tower on it. They've since cleared the area and one of the PCs with the Leadership feat (3.5E) has invested heavily in making it into a stronghold of sorts for the party and their followers. I at first tried using the rules in the Arms & Equipment Guide (3E) for building the stronghold, which worked ok, but left me wanting more. After a recent thread here I also just checked out the rules in the D&D Rules Cyclopedia (BECMI). While they had some good advice on things that can come up, and some information about titles, the rules just don't work very well. For example, the rules suggest that a dominion of 100 peasant familes grows by 25 families per month!
So after all that I still am not very satisfied with the support for including strongholds in play. There's a wealth of information about building a stronghold, but honestly that's the least interesting part of it to me. I'm interested in how to incorporate a stronghold into the game.
Do any of you have any recommendations for good rules on how to include a stronghold in an ongoing game? I'm looking specifically for information such as:
Do any of you have any recommendations for good rules on how to include a stronghold in an ongoing game? I'm looking specifically for information such as:
- Ongoing maintenance and income
- In-game benefits and boons from owning a stronghold
- In-game challenges from owning a stronghold
- Events and situations that might arise
- The general impact that owning a stronghold can have on the game and how it's played