a5e.tools Errata & A5E.tools


Well, that was fun
Staff member
As you may know, we have an errata page on the official website.

The errata has been applied directly to A5E.tools, and will be going forward.

Which is right and which is wrong?
A5E.tools is still in beta and still being worked on. If you spot an error on A5E.tools, where it differs to the book, but is NOT included in the errata list linked above, please let us know.

Generally speaking, A5E.tools should match the books, with the above errata applied.

Updated PDFs
We will update the PDF this year. Anybody who has the PDF will be entitled to a free upgrade, of course.

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As you may know, we have an errata page on the official website.

The errata has been applied directly to A5E.tools, and will be going forward.

Which is right and which is wrong?
A5E.tools is still in beta and still being worked on. If you spot an error on A5E.tools, where it differs to the book, but is NOT included in the errata list linked above, please let us know.

Generally speaking, A5E.tools should match the books, with the above errata applied.

Updated PDFs
We will update the PDF this year. Anybody who has the PDF will be entitled to a free upgrade, of course.
What do we make of the extra paragraph squished into the middle of the Bonus Knowledge section under Ability Scores: Intelligence that isn’t in the book?

Also, why isn’t Conjure Woodland Beings in the summoning school?


In the Adventurer's Guide, Warlock on page 285 and Wizard on page 302 incorrectly state, "Mirror Image (ill): Transform an area of terrain with a convincing, immersive illusion." It should instead be something like, "Mirror Image (ill): Create illusory duplicates to misguide foes' attacks."

Gear Spider on a5e.tools, "Needle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage." should be "Needle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/40 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage."

Vin St. John

What do we make of the extra paragraph squished into the middle of the Bonus Knowledge section under Ability Scores: Intelligence that isn’t in the book?

Also, why isn’t Conjure Woodland Beings in the summoning school?
I coincidentally just reread this rule in the book yesterday and thought, "That seems wrong, it should be like this..." and it turns out my edit is more or less exactly what's in the extra paragraph on a5e.tools. Seems like errata that got applied incorrectly?


It seems to be a variant of the "what to do if you don't have a skill that the Bonus Knowledge specialties would apply to" rule.

This way even people who have "knowledge skills" can spend their int-bonus "Bonus Knowledge" to know more languages or tool proficiencies.

Voidrunner's Codex

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