Pathfinder 1E Are people still playing Pathfinder 1e?

Thomas Shey

I got through MM, but it wasnt easy. I had it made for about a decade. We blasted through probably 75% of the first era APs. Playing 2X a month took us about 2 years an AP. Covid cleaved my group apart and I haven't completed one since. 😢
That's about how long our two PF2e full 20th level campaigns have taken, too.

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Green Onceler

. Covid cleaved my group apart and I haven't completed one since. 😢
Covid also destroyed our Runelords game halfway through The Hook Mountain Massacre. Still bitter :D

Since then we've just been playing the old 32 page modules, which has been a lot of fun. However, I am now wanting to run something on a grander scale.


I'm very jealous of people running the APs. I run 3.5, but I'd love to have a group to actually finish one of the early ones. High on my list are some of the pre-PF ones, like Shackled City and Age of Worms, but RotR and Curse of the Crimson Throne both look like a lot of fun, too. If nothing else, I'm slowly building up my library collection of APs :)


The EN World kitten
I'm very jealous of people running the APs. I run 3.5, but I'd love to have a group to actually finish one of the early ones. High on my list are some of the pre-PF ones, like Shackled City and Age of Worms, but RotR and Curse of the Crimson Throne both look like a lot of fun, too. If nothing else, I'm slowly building up my library collection of APs :)
Did you know that there's a Shackled City hardcover? It's the only one of Paizo's adventure paths to have a compiled volume while still being for 3.5.


There are still people that play it. Friend of mine formed a new group, consisting of him (DM) and other friend who are seasoned PF players and four total ttrpg newbs (3 girls and a guy, all in mid 20s). Girls are having a blast with it from what they told me.


Did you know that there's a Shackled City hardcover? It's the only one of Paizo's adventure paths to have a compiled volume while still being for 3.5.
I do! I bought it when it came out, and in fact that's the only AP I've ever tried to run. I started a game at my FLGS back in the day. We actually got all the way through Jzadirune (chapter 1) and were in the opening stages of chapter 2 when my twins were born. And, well, that was the end of that :D

I remember there was a whole group online who were collaborating on how to embellish the campaign, and they came up with some pretty awesome stuff. One guy had a weekly Cauldron news rag that sometimes incorporated the party's activities...

Voidrunner's Codex

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