E. Gary Gygax Sr. May Have Had Another, More Recent Will?


Just thoughts on the testimony in general.
  • Gail is deposed first. Most of this gets into the Will and it has to touch on a few areas, Trigee, a prior pre-nup, the other wills, etc.
    • The one area I feel was legal wrangling was about when Trigee was disbanded -- Luke's side was trying to go by the fact that in California it was not considered an active corporation anymore, but we know that Trigee was used for most of Gary's work up until his death.
  • Tom Desanto is next, mostly to establish how he acquired the will, the value of the estate, etc.
  • Paul Stromberg is next, mostly to establish the value of the estate, since he has sold prior works via auctions.
  • A local Lake Geneva police officer is deposed. Gail had reported a painting called "Gateway to Adventure" was stolen. I'm not sure, but that I believe might be the original Trampier Art for the Player's Handbook, which would make it very sad is somebody stole that.
  • Alex is deposed. It's mostly to establish if he witnessed the Will as a co-signer and to get testimony about his current relationship with Gail. (This part makes me sad.)
  • Steve from TLG is called, to discuss the original publishing plans and TLG's relationship with Gary
  • Luke is called to give his perspective on things.
  • Gail is called again.
  • The Lawyers present their closing testimonies, then the judge presents his opinion. Basically, the judge feels Gail can't be an executor and hid the will. The will is still valid but there is talk of penalties (likely Gail having to pay legal fees via the auctions), but they aren't taking away her rights.
The final items haven't been decided, but I do suspect there will be somebody in charge of the estate, a neutral party, to make sure the terms of the will are carried out.

Most of the witnesses were credible. Gail was contradictory as noted by the laywers, and a few elements of Luke's testimony were biased -- he made a statement he believed the kids were to inherit some property like antiques, and the defense did point out the issues with Gygax magazine. But then they are the direct defendant and plantiff.

The issue with Rob Kuntz was quicker. Basically, Rob had said he was out of the loop about this, but the court said they had given plenty of notice, and basically also decided the dispute of ownership was not something that was something probate would handle, as the interests of the probate court are to the estate holders. Rob admits that he didn't have the money to sue the estate directly, so I think he was hoping he could use the hearing as a way to resolve it.

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Let me just say this is absolutely ridiculous. The actual cost of providing this is nothing like the price they are charging.
Thank you all for the update as well as bearing the cost of this.

50 cents a page is pretty much government standards. It includes the time to make the copies, and wear-and-tear on the printers. It factors in necessary redactions when needed.

But was there really 600 pages of testimony?????


To be fair, the court reporters have a lot of restrictions on their time, and they were very apologetic to me for not getting them to me -- I ordered these back in October or November. They have to prioritize other cases based on urgency, have a queue, and they have to type these by hand from the original recordings, taking into account to omit things that are off the record.

Of course, that being said, once the reports are done they should probably be available online. I think if I foot the bill, somebody else shouldn't have to pay the same rate later. But then again, the online repositories have to have fees so they can be maintained.

One day was 260 pages, another was 232. So in all, I think I ended up paying $246.00 total, so I was wrong -- I think I'm taking into account the Will and a few other docs I got, as well as the hearing with Rob Kuntz.


Let me just say this is absolutely ridiculous. The actual cost of providing this is nothing like the price they are charging.
Thank you all for the update as well as bearing the cost of this.

50 cents a page is pretty much government standards. It includes the time to make the copies, and wear-and-tear on the printers. It factors in necessary redactions when needed.

But was there really 600 pages of testimony?????
If they had them freely available as PDFs (or text/HTML), they wouldn't have to charge for printers and such. Might still need to pay for the time for someone to look them over for redactions though.

I can see $300 or even more to create the transcripts. I had assumed that the court reporter did that for every hearing but apparently not. But once it is done, emailing a copy of a PDF is trivial. Sure if you are going to setup a public portal to access such records there are costs. There are even costs in storing the pdf and providing email. But those are costs that would seem to be part of the inherit overhead in operating a court.

Anyway, I find this whole will thing fascinating.
Did I interpret it correctly that the court said or implied that Gail hid this more recent will from disclose to prevent her from losing control of estate assets? And that previously she managed the estate but the judge has said she has a conflict of interest and can no longer be the executor?


  • A local Lake Geneva police officer is deposed. Gail had reported a painting called "Gateway to Adventure" was stolen. I'm not sure, but that I believe might be the original Trampier Art for the Player's Handbook, which would make it very sad is somebody stole that.
Gateway to Adventure refers to a TSR ad from 1979/1980.

TSR - Q&A with Gary Gygax
Heh, that reminds me!

Somewhere I have the original painting for the old "Gateway to Adventure" ad that TSR ran back back around 1979 and 1980.
Now that is likely to bring a fair bit if offered for auction ;) Of course I don't care to part with it, I add hastily!




Did I interpret it correctly that the court said or implied that Gail hid this more recent will from disclose to prevent her from losing control of estate assets? And that previously she managed the estate but the judge has said she has a conflict of interest and can no longer be the executor?
It was never filed in probate so the estate was never executed. The only reason it came to light was the will was included in a collection of digital files Tom Desanto was given when she was making a deal with him. Tom was obligated legally to disclose it to Luke, and Luke officially filed the document thus starting the probate process.

The thing is though -- from a logical standpoint, this isn't very logical. The Will gave her complete control over all of Gary's IP for her entire lifetime, using a term called Use and Enjoyment. Legally, what that means is that she would remain in charge of it for the rest of her life. The only caveat was that she could not control who inherited it when she died, and she could not transfer the property to a third party.

I don't think it's deliberate malice so much as other issues...


Morkus from Orkus
Of course, that being said, once the reports are done they should probably be available online. I think if I foot the bill, somebody else shouldn't have to pay the same rate later. But then again, the online repositories have to have fees so they can be maintained.
More accurately, they overcharge on fees so that they can overspend in other areas. Court fees are used to pay lots and lots of things that have nothing to do with what you are paying for.


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