E. Gary Gygax Sr. May Have Had Another, More Recent Will?

the Jester

No problem. I just remember posting that three months ago, and not seeing any reactions or replies to that post, considering it was an important thing people wanted to know. So when you said "where's the will" I got kind of irritated.

(I've noticed most RPG message boards lately have less traffic in general this year...).
This thread is both long and, in the case of many posts, dense. I doubt whether anyone is actually ignoring you- but it's pretty easy to miss things.

I, for one, would like to thank you for the effort you have expended to update information for us, both so far and in the future.

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No doubt!

Though I'll add that I think Discord is really capturing a lot more people, very steadily. As a Reddit mod, I'm seeing that to a noticeable degree, though I'm sure it's not the only reason.


Though I'll add that I think Discord is really capturing a lot more people, very steadily. As a Reddit mod, I'm seeing that to a noticeable degree, though I'm sure it's not the only reason.
Yeah, it's got to be something like that. It's not related to D&D as the other forums I've noticed are not as traffic-sensitive to the state of D&D that as ENWorld would be.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Though I'll add that I think Discord is really capturing a lot more people, very steadily. As a Reddit mod, I'm seeing that to a noticeable degree, though I'm sure it's not the only reason.
Yeah, it's not a 1:1 replacement -- Discord functions more like a chat room with a memory than as a message board, no matter what the developers try to claim -- but it's definitely where the youths are.


A few updates today.

  • There was a hearing. Not too much was mentioned that we can understand without context
    • For some reason, there is an order on record about the transcripts from Luke's attorney.
    • There's some discussion about a trial (either new or a continuation of the process), but discussion is leaning towards mediation and possibly an evidentiary hearing. The judge apparently would like to review briefs and hopefully resolve it based on that rather than a full trial.


The EN World kitten
Well, we're long overdue for some updates here, though there's nothing too exciting since the last one.
  • On February 6th, and then again on the 8th, there's a stipulation and order entered regarding fees for the attorneys and for the personal representative of Gary's estate.
  • On March 8th, and then again on March 11th, transcripts were ordered for the two days of trial (from April 19th and 20th of 2023). The reason for two separate entries is because each day of the trial needed to have its transcript requested separately.
  • On March 15th, an order was entered for another trial, to take place on July 2nd of 2024. No reason, or explanation, is given.
  • On April 18th, two proposed orders are entered, both regarding briefing deadlines (presumably for the July 2nd trial).
  • Also on April 18th, there's a motion (and notice of motion) to allow Stephen Chenault (of Troll Lord Games) to view "The Castle," and to order monthly payments of the personal representative's fees (i.e. the fees of Steven Koch, who has been acting as the executor of Gary's estate). Presumably "The Castle" is the material relating to Castle Greyhawk in Gary's estate, but it's not entirely clear (does this mean that Troll Lord will be publishing Castle Greyhawk soon?). Two affidavits, one for Stephen Chenault and one for Steven Koch, are also entered.
  • On May 2nd, a brief is entered by the petitioner (i.e. Luke Gygax) in support of motion (presumably Stephen Chenault's aforementioned motion to view "The Castle"), with an affidavit subsequently entered on May 6th.
  • On May 20th, notice is entered that two additional transcripts have been filed; one is from the motion hearing on August 10th, 2023, and the other is from the motion hearing on September 26th, 2023.
  • On May 29th, Gail Gygax files a brief in opposition to the petitioner's motion (which sounds like she's opposing Luke's support for Stephen Chenault to view "The Castle").
Finally, I'd like to go ahead and make a personal note here: the request to make full transcripts of the trial that was conducted on April 19th-20th, 2023 was mine. What I didn't expect was for those transcripts to be so lengthy (or to cost so much), which coupled with a lack of free time on my end, has stymied my ability to review those transcripts in any sort of timely manner.

As such, given that these are a matter of public record, I'm going to release them here for anyone to look at, in hope that the community will get more use out of them than I have so far. Please let us know in this thread if there are any particularly salient points in here!

EDIT: To be as clear as possible, the two files below are for each day of the trial; one is for April 19th, and the other is for April 20th.


  • Gary Gygax will trial transcript 041923 final.pdf
    548.7 KB · Views: 36
  • Gary Gygax will trial transcript 042023final.pdf
    605.8 KB · Views: 30
Last edited:


Finally, I'd like to go ahead and make a personal note here: the request to make full transcripts of the trial that was conducted on April 19th-20th, 2023 was mine. What I didn't expect was for those transcripts to be so lengthy (or to cost so much), which coupled with a lack of free time on my end, has stymied my ability to review those transcripts in any sort of timely manner.

As such, given that these are a matter of public record, I'm going to release them here for anyone to look at, in hope that the community will get more use out of them than I have so far. Please let us know in this thread if there are any particularly salient points in here!
That might not be the case, as I separately ordered the transcripts myself, and I received the first one a few months back. I ordered from the court reporters and received them -- the dates listed of the transcripts seem to be the same as when they emailed me. I received them Mar 11-15. The cost was over $300 for the two days, it's about 50 cents per page.

The reason I never posted them is that I forgot and based on the lack of posts here I didn't think anybody cared anymore.

To save Alzrius some money, this is the transcript of the Rob Kuntz issue...the "4th transcript is just 3 pages as they took most of the discussion off the record.


  • gygax092623final.pdf
    134.7 KB · Views: 34

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