Launch of gaming news site, Rascal

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Anon Adderlan

So I let my sub to #Rascal go for a month longer than intended, but that only further confirmed what I already suspected: That they’re far more concerned about ideology and activism. They have a subscription level called ‘party member’, lack consistency in their stance on cultural appropriation, consider Lara Croft a liability to her own franchise, declare games they don’t like bad for everyone, and defend awards shows they’ve been nominated for (which they at least disclosed). And their definition of #Zionism is just as divisive as you’d expect.

Hypotheticals, however, are not reality.
Yet they’re far more than random guessing, which is why once again they were proven completely correct. And now that you’ve also seen where they’re coming from any further support puts you in the position of supporting their ideology.

As for my own journalist integrity, I welcome you to check my posts and critique wherever I have made them.


Mod Squad
Staff member
They have a subscription level called ‘party member’,

Yeah, but they are a gaming news site. That's going to be a reference to gaming/adventuring party.

And now that you’ve also seen where they’re coming from

I haven't seen where they are coming from. I haven't ever looked at their service, site, or work since the site went up. The only word I have on where they are coming from is this one post I'm responding to. This doesn't meet my own standards for making decisions.

... any further support puts you in the position of supporting their ideology.

The only "support" they've gotten from me is essentially suggesting folks not jump to conclusions on their business model based on little information.

I say about the same thing about a lot of things that are at the level or rumor and speculation. So this isn't "support" for them, but for an approach to change and new developments.

As for my own journalist integrity, I welcome you to check my posts and critique wherever I have made them.

I'm sorry to have to tell you, you don't occupy enough of my brain space for me to care about your journalistic integrity, or lack thereof.

Voidrunner's Codex

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