Launch of gaming news site, Rascal

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... did you just split the hairs between white supremacists and Neo Nazis? That venn diagram is practically a circle???
Not splitting hairs at all. The AB and AC venn diagram edges barely overlaps with the NSDAP. While the AB and AC use Nazi insignia, their beliefs, practices, and outlooks are very inconsistent with the Nazis, or Neo-Nazis.

Take away (badly misused) symbology, and the two have little in common. The AB and AC, like most prison gangs, are based on tribal concepts, not ideology, and are heavily impacted by realpolitik.

The AB and AC are a completely different brand of malignancy from either Naz-ism or even 'mainstream' (to use the word loosely) white supremacy. And far worse than either, or the combined latter two.

But this is beside the point of the thread, really.

Although knowledge of the difference between the various, besides being interesting, is very useful for modern setting campaigns, particularly Delta Green or modern setting CoC.
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Dire Bare

They're not going to get rid of the paywall because the failure of ad reliant media companies and their inability to pay staff is exactly why Linda Codega - one of the founders - was laid off. It also leads to problems in journalism in general.
I'm sure all of that is true. Although I'm not sure I buy locking things behind a paywall/subscription is the only way to pay the bills and keep the lights on.

All I know is that I'm tired of having to give up my personal information to websites or organizations. So, I'm doing so less and less.

Could some of you people complaining about 'paywalls' please explain how requiring an email signup equates to paying money?
Not sure anyone has claimed that signing up for a free subscription/membership equates to paying money. That's coming from you.

If you do decide to sign up, you are "paying" with your personal data. Which I, personally, am tired of doing. So, any website or service that wants that information has to show me it's worth it BEFORE I give up my data once again.

I'm not really criticizing the Rascal site for a model that's commonly used in media today and I doubt the folks behind the site have any sinister motives. But . . . trying to read a news article and running up against the "sign in to continue reading" block leaves me cold. If it doesn't bother you, okay.

Anon Adderlan

Right now it's essentially a hybrid blog and mailing list, but I'm still not seeing the value proposition. I mean how is this meaningfully different from something like #DiceBreaker which already provides far more? Honestly they'd be far better off simply running a #Patreon.


Mod Squad
Staff member
But how else am I supposed to interpret a completely out of context '88↑'?

In the context of that image, maybe the idea is supposed to be, "Yeah, there's white supremacists in gaming, and we are going to report on them - tear off the layers and reveal them"...


Mod Squad
Staff member
Not splitting hairs at all. The AB and AC venn diagram edges barely overlaps with the NSDAP. While the AB and AC use Nazi insignia, their beliefs, practices, and outlooks are very inconsistent with the Nazis, or Neo-Nazis.

Mod Note:
To paraphrase other people on the internet: you don't get points by being insincere in your use of the symbology.

So, let's put the apologia aside, please and thanks.

I'm sure all of that is true. Although I'm not sure I buy locking things behind a paywall/subscription is the only way to pay the bills and keep the lights on.
All I know is that I'm tired of having to give up my personal information to websites or organizations. So, I'm doing so less and less.
Not sure anyone has claimed that signing up for a free subscription/membership equates to paying money. That's coming from you.
If you do decide to sign up, you are "paying" with your personal data. Which I, personally, am tired of doing. So, any website or service that wants that information has to show me it's worth it BEFORE I give up my data once again.
I'm not really criticizing the Rascal site for a model that's commonly used in media today and I doubt the folks behind the site have any sinister motives. But . . . trying to read a news article and running up against the "sign in to continue reading" block leaves me cold. If it doesn't bother you, okay.
Everything you say is true. However, the alternate methodology that seems to have popped up for nerdosphere news is page ads, which drastically incentivize low-effort clickbait articles. And that I am super tired of dealing with. It will be interesting to see if new models rise to the fore.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
I'm down with subscriptions to my email inbox with content I will enjoy. Lin, Rowan, and Chase have written things I enjoy in the past, I assume this won't stop into the future. I'll skip what I don't want to read, just like normal

Some articles are behind some sort of wall, yes - oh but maybe it's because I wasn't signed into their site? Cool, I'll try that and see if I can access that content.

Honestly they'd be far better off simply running a #Patreon.
Better off for whom? I'm going to assume they know what they need best for themselves, right now - certainly better than us randos on the internet. For me, I'm not a fan of Patreon, so I prefer their current delivery method

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Also, what definitely IS paywalled is the ability to comment on posts. Not a big deal to me, but a fact none the less


Voidrunner's Codex

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