Dragon Magazine Cover Remakes

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These are incredible! Do you take requests?
I have gotten requests and acted upon them in the past. I don't make an promises though. I have been trying to cover a variety of artists instead of just redoing the same artists. Currently I'm up to 38 covers. Most have not been posted yet.


Well FWIW... Dragon #126 by Daniel Horne. My favorite cover of all time.
That cover is awesome. I have avoided doing that one so far. Not sure if I can do a good job with the snow. But I had the same feeling with the flames in Dragon #122 and ended up doing that one at the request of someone on rpg.net. I'll keep your request in mind.


You are getting two images this week. Since I posted some Spelljammer images, I figured I'd do another setting. Welcome to Dark Sun.

Original Cover by Gerald Brom

Voidrunner's Codex

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