RPG Print News – Cubicle 7, Free League, and More

Soulbound, Free League, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Old-School Essentials, and two new RPGs have print products out this week.

A haunted city of more grounded PCs opens its gates for Soulbound. An RPG art book from Free League is full of images to inspire GMs. Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG and Old-School Essentials get supplements priestly, ghostly, and festival based plus a cassette tape of RPG tunes. Finally, there are two new RPGs: a fantasy RPG using the rules from Mothership and a unique d100 ruleset of monster hunters trying to keep their otherworldly world a secret.

Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.

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Ulfenkarn - City at the Edge of Death by Cubicle 7
  • SYSTEM: Soulbound: Warhammer Age of Sigmar
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99
  • DESCRIPTION: A comprehensive city guide for the legendary Cursed City of Ulfenkarn. The crumbling city of Ulfenkarn teeters upon the precipice of destruction and its citizens are desperate for salvation from the Vyrkos vampire lord known as Radukar the Wolf. PCs are created using the rules for the Grim & Perilous Ruleset and other optional rule like eight player Archetypes like a Vampire Hunter or a former Guard Captain of the city. Includes advice to help evoke the horror of the setting, a complete history of the city and its imminent future, and over seventy haunted city locations featuring unforgettable characters and challenges. GMs get six fleshed-out and mapped adventure locations to explore including the Ebon Citadel mega-dungeon and a bestiary featuring Ulfenkarn’s rogue's gallery of villains and vicious monsters.
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Art by Nohr by Free League Publishing
  • SYSTEM: systemless
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover art book
  • RETAIL PRICE: $76.16
  • DESCRIPTION: Johan Nohr is a Swedish visual artist and graphic designer. This collection includes some of his finest pieces from between 2006 and 2023: from the blood-drenched neon demons of MÖRK BORG, CY_BORG and various zines to illustrations from unreleased game modules, abandoned projects and quick doodles. A lot of the artwork is annotated with thoughts and comments, as well as in-progress sketches, scrapped versions and more. A peek into the workshop of an artist known for over-the-top, heavy-metal horror and screaming colors. Stats: 270×340mm and could be used as a weapon (not recommended). 232 high-quality pages adding up to over two kilos. Nearly 400 illustrations of weird, fantastic horror.
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The Lesser Key to the Celestial Legion | 25 Apparitions, Spirits, and Hauntings by Psychoda Press
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CANDLE III by Exalted Funeral
  • SYSTEM: Old-School Essentials
  • PRODUCT TYPE: zine and cassette tape
  • DESCRIPTION: Includes original character classes, community content, articles, and interviews. And the coveted and delectable Goblin Dog. Nearly every feature can be visited in-game using the park map playable table of contents. The Festival grounds come complete with a random day/night encounter table. Below the surface bubbles and churns a complete adventure module which throws the PCs in between two rival factions, the Goblin Carnies and the Royal Guard, vying for control of the grounds. The cassette boasts a mighty musical lineup bringing the fantastical sounds of tuneweavers from all five corners of the world to the gaming table.
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Ruination Pilgrimage | Bestiary of Ruination | Adventures & Pilgrimages by Psychoda Press
  • SYSTEM: Panic Engine for fantasy (Mothership)
  • PRODUCT TYPE: 24 map tiles/softcover guide
  • RETAIL PRICE: $19/$15/$22
  • DESCRIPTION: In Ruination Pilgrimage, PCs face damnation and redemption in a medieval world of horror, plague, warfare, and demons. Includes light setting hints and many tables filled with the information to run long campaigns or one-off sessions. PCs choose from fighter, priest, merchant, scholar, or laborer. Multiple tables are used to generate previous jobs with skills and stat bumps, histories, random starting kits, and a vice. Sorrow is accumulated on failed rolls and from demonic encounters. If enough Sorrow builds up, characters may Despair and find themselves in worse situations. The Bestiary of Ruination contains stats and descriptions of animals, human adversaries, minor demons, Horsemen of Vice/Betrayers, ghosts, and possessed corporeal undead. Stats include a short description as well as exorcism successes. Adventures & Pilgrimages contains nine short adventures. A small chapel and the strange guardian may be hiding something of great importance to the church and the PCs investigate. Another small chapel where lurks a horror of the less supernatural but more sinister kind. PCs pay a shell game of demonic forces playing with the souls of mankind. The PCs visit a small town where wishes might just be getting out of hand and another sad village where the children have disappeared. PCs are plunged into a mysterious location that may or may not actually exist in the waking world. And more.
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Strange Squad | Buried in the Quagmire by S. Murphy Games
  • SYSTEM: unique d100
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover core rulebook/softcover adventure
  • RETAIL PRICE: $20 each
  • DESCRIPTION: In Strange Squad the PCs are weird, powerful individuals known as 'Agents' investigating and solving issues involving 'Aberrants': paranormal creatures, beings, and phenomena that defy logical explanation. Agents strive to uphold The Veil, a layer of secrecy that keeps the public from learning about these fragments of unreality. Use a rules-light, roll-under d100 system that keeps the game moving and the mysteries unravelling. Each Agent has a set of stats, skills, and a unique Aberrancy of their very own. Sometimes a squad's biggest obstacle isn't an ancient curse, monstrous entity, or fantastical beast but rather time. A clock system tracks how long each element of investigation takes, and if the Agents don't resolve their Assignment fast enough the mission becomes unsalvageable. Something foul is going on in the tiny Iowan town of Fertile in Buried in the Quagmire. The tap water has turned into a thick, black slime. Bloody, severed fish heads have been found on the doorsteps of the local residents. And strange sounds have been heard from the swamp directly adjacent to the town. The Agents investigate the town’s woes and try to save the people from a terrible fate. Designed to be relatively easy to run and forgiving enough to present to a group of new players.
Charlie Dunwoody participates in the OneBookShelf Affiliate Program and the Noble Knight Games’ Affiliate Program. These programs provide advertising fees by linking to DriveThruRPG and Noble Knight Games respectively. If you like the articles at EN World please consider supporting the EN World Patreon.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

Wow, that is good stuff! I don't play Soulbound (I hadn't even heard of it until now) but that's amazing and I might have to check this book out.

The only thing more gruesome and horrifying is the thought of listening to music on cassette again.
I ran a campaign and the rules are great. Dice pools with some group mechanics that make sense in world. Default Soulbound is more high powered than I enjoy (no shade on the designers, the high power is by design and fits the world). This new book using the grim and perilous rules found in the core rulebook does sound amazing and a nice change of pace from the higher powered base rules.

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