Describe your last RPG session in more than 5 words.


B/X Known World
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG.

Way too many pointless rolls.
The Judge is running their DCC RPG game like it's 5E. We have to roll for everything.

Actual exchange.

Player. "What's down that hallway?"

Judge. "Roll a Perception check."

Player. "There's no Perception check in DCC."

Judge. "What's the closest equivalent then?"

Le sigh.

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Golden Bee

"I can't go, my cookies..."
¡El dedo de la sospecha!
The Jade Jaguar enters the serpents’ nest.

Mexico City, spring 1935.
Tácito Uriel Velasco, attorney at law has gathered reporter Trudy Truman and shutterbug/sniper Javid Kulfi, for a mission outside his lawyerly expertise. His friend, retired judge Gustavo Abelardo, was being targeted for elimination. Criminals Raffio Navarro, and big boss Zolo Manuel, wanted him rubbed out as revenge. But Velasco didn’t know when and he didn’t know how. Could Trudy and Javid aid the Jade Jaguar?
Trudy’s contact in Mexico is Zara Bloome, New York Times reporter… Who still wants to finish her story about the murder Javid did in the Eiffel Tower^. She’s going to go publish it (after all, he drunkenly confessed), unless they can provide an alternate explanation…with witnesses. She tells them to check out Manuel’s Transmission on the edge of town.
Heroically, Trudy begs her friend Aldous’s sister Bea to fabricate evidence that the slain Nazi was killed in a drug deal gone bad. What are friend’s siblings for if it isn’t avoiding international incidents?

This takes time. The players hustle, and get to Manuel’s ten minutes before closing, and try and infiltrate it.

The players think of a plan where they try three different things… None of which are coordinated.
The lawyer charms his way into the garage, asking Rafio to bring out his boss. (‘Sorry Jaguar, boss ain’t here.’)
Trudy sneaks in as well.
Javid provides sniper support… Until realizing the garage, being indoors, is out of range.

Velasco leaves the office, with Rafio…leaving Trudy inside, but she’s not actually good at the investigating part. She blows a lot of fate points to learn some limited information: the attack will happen between Tuesday and Thursday of next week.

The next lead is to rescue the judge himself. None of the trio are good at driving, so it takes longer than it should to get through the Mexican countryside, out to the hinterlands. They examine the little ranch Abelardo set up for himself, check to see if there are any nearby cars or visitors (nope), then knock on the door…


"We’re here to save your life."
"Wonderful. You guys can cure cancer?"

Yep. The judge is going to die anyway, within months, so it takes some convincing for him to leave at all. The players persuade him that he can travel anywhere in the world he wants, and he suggests Cairo.

They successfully got him to the airport, but their escape vector, the Alan lrani, has a boot on it.The gangsters even had pull in the aviation bureau. Trudy’s keen senses let them know about the ambush just in time to duck for cover. Summoning his jaguar strength, Tácito smashed the parking boot off the jet’s wheel.

Javid provides covering fire with his rifle while the reporter and the lawyer rush the judge onto the plane. On board, Trudy calls out hostiles. Jonesy, an ANZAC vet who’s not used to being intimidated, bullies the hot rods off the tarmac with his jet engines. The heroes escape, with only a few holes in the DC-3.

Trudy calls in a favor, asking Professor Callahan if he’d mind a little favor flight from Los Angeles to Egypt? He agreed.

The group drove back to Mexico City, since their plane was a target. The gangsters had used that time wisely: they used their political connections to get Tácito's brujo mentor arrested for witchcraft! It’s not like a mystic spirit boxer would be a target in prison… But fighting federal charges would take tons of time and focus. Was there a better way to fight it? Trudy suggested the press! This was obviously a political hit. if they made it a hot button issue among the Indigenous and personal liberty activists, the charges would evaporate.

Within a day, the front page of the New York Times international section read


In Mexico, "witchcraft" used as a weapon.

Their opponents had one more trick. The group was relaxing at Tácito's home, playing lawn darts, when the phone rang. Manuel had taken Tácito's secretary hostage. He should show up to work very soon or she’d be taking permanent sick leave from the ninth-story window.


Trudy asked Devika if she wanted to come, but she had the best excuse of any NPC ever: "These chocolate chip cookies are halfway done. It’s really hard to get chocolate chips down here." The party agreed that this was fair.

This is where the players’ incompetence helped them.
Because Javid hadn’t gotten the chance to shoot anyone at the mechanic shop… the gangsters had no idea the group had a sniper.
Conversely, Javid didn’t know that the gangsters also had a sniper! He pretended to be a Sicario from out of town, and told the guy to go down a floor… Then locked the rooftop access. Maybe it was professional courtesy, but didn’t seem right to shoot the guy.
Tácito had a gorgeous office overlooking the Zócalo. From the lobby, to the elevator, to his waiting room, were two lines of Zootsuited gangsters.

They cheered sarcastically as he and Trudy faced off against the kingpin and his elite guard. Towering over everyone was a six-foot-eight Palurdo. Tied in Tácito’s chair was his secretary, Valeria. One way to solve this.

Zolo Manuel was a cowardly secuestrador, but a sharp-tongued bastard. He sent his legbreakers against the lawyer, while he focused on attacking the Jade Jaguar’s spirit. It was an extremely potent tactic. he pointed out all of the Abogado’s insecurities… But Tácito wasn’t alone!
Trudy Truman saw the vandalized office as a series of weapons. A jaguar statue was a bludgeon. The letter opener was a dagger…
but also like weapons were the crook’s weapons! She received a nasty gash in her arm.

Javid Kulfi, ace sniper, tried to even score. And while he could fire into the melee, he had to shoot out the windows… giving the Palurdo an idea.
The giant picked up the secretary, chair and all, and tried to hurl her out the window! Javid had only one chance to stop him… And gambled on a deadeye shot, aiming for a cabinet behind the man’s left knee. The wood splintered, and the man wrenched backwards… ending up pinned!

The lawyer threw lefts and rights at the stream of thugs. He could keep up the physical battle all day, but the verbal abuse cut deep.

One of the crooks had the bright idea of closing the blinds against the sniper. Trudy had to use old track skills to cross the room, get over the broken glass from the smashed diplomas and grab the curtain rod… then dash the other way across the room, before snapping the thing off and throwing to the street below.

Tácito body checked a crook into a bookcase, giving the Australian reporter a chance to free the secretary… who at Trudy’s insistence, called the police.

This turned the tide. The hallway and elevator Pendejos vanished. Tácito finally fought to a numbers advantage… giving Javid time to line up his shot. Manuel lurched forward, perhaps with an unknown fighting style… Then stumbled past the lawyer, a rose blooming on the crook’s forehead.

On the other side of the world, judge Abelerdo gazed at the pyramids, tuning out the British professor's rant about how he could’ve built them in half the time.

^In “Fear and terror at fashion week!


B/X Known World
¡El dedo de la sospecha!
The Jade Jaguar enters the serpents’ nest.

Mexico City, spring 1935.
Tácito Uriel Velasco, attorney at law has gathered reporter Trudy Truman and shutterbug/sniper Javid Kulfi, for a mission outside his lawyerly expertise. His friend, retired judge Gustavo Abelardo, was being targeted for elimination. Criminals Raffio Navarro, and big boss Zolo Manuel, wanted him rubbed out as revenge. But Velasco didn’t know when and he didn’t know how. Could Trudy and Javid aid the Jade Jaguar?
Trudy’s contact in Mexico is Zara Bloome, New York Times reporter… Who still wants to finish her story about the murder Javid did in the Eiffel Tower^. She’s going to go publish it (after all, he drunkenly confessed), unless they can provide an alternate explanation…with witnesses. She tells them to check out Manuel’s Transmission on the edge of town.
Heroically, Trudy begs her friend Aldous’s sister Bea to fabricate evidence that the slain Nazi was killed in a drug deal gone bad. What are friend’s siblings for if it isn’t avoiding international incidents?

This takes time. The players hustle, and get to Manuel’s ten minutes before closing, and try and infiltrate it.

The players think of a plan where they try three different things… None of which are coordinated.
The lawyer charms his way into the garage, asking Rafio to bring out his boss. (‘Sorry Jaguar, boss ain’t here.’)
Trudy sneaks in as well.
Javid provides sniper support… Until realizing the garage, being indoors, is out of range.

Velasco leaves the office, with Rafio…leaving Trudy inside, but she’s not actually good at the investigating part. She blows a lot of fate points to learn some limited information: the attack will happen between Tuesday and Thursday of next week.

The next lead is to rescue the judge himself. None of the trio are good at driving, so it takes longer than it should to get through the Mexican countryside, out to the hinterlands. They examine the little ranch Abelardo set up for himself, check to see if there are any nearby cars or visitors (nope), then knock on the door…


Yep. The judge is going to die anyway, within months, so it takes some convincing for him to leave at all. The players persuade him that he can travel anywhere in the world he wants, and he suggests Cairo.

They successfully got him to the airport, but their escape vector, the Alan lrani, has a boot on it.The gangsters even had pull in the aviation bureau. Trudy’s keen senses let them know about the ambush just in time to duck for cover. Summoning his jaguar strength, Tácito smashed the parking boot off the jet’s wheel.

Javid provides covering fire with his rifle while the reporter and the lawyer rush the judge onto the plane. On board, Trudy calls out hostiles. Jonesy, an ANZAC vet who’s not used to being intimidated, bullies the hot rods off the tarmac with his jet engines. The heroes escape, with only a few holes in the DC-3.

Trudy calls in a favor, asking Professor Callahan if he’d mind a little favor flight from Los Angeles to Egypt? He agreed.

The group drove back to Mexico City, since their plane was a target. The gangsters had used that time wisely: they used their political connections to get Tácito's brujo mentor arrested for witchcraft! It’s not like a mystic spirit boxer would be a target in prison… But fighting federal charges would take tons of time and focus. Was there a better way to fight it? Trudy suggested the press! This was obviously a political hit. if they made it a hot button issue among the Indigenous and personal liberty activists, the charges would evaporate.

Within a day, the front page of the New York Times international section read


Their opponents had one more trick. The group was relaxing at Tácito's home, playing lawn darts, when the phone rang. Manuel had taken Tácito's secretary hostage. He should show up to work very soon or she’d be taking permanent sick leave from the ninth-story window.


This is where the players’ incompetence helped them.
Because Javid hadn’t gotten the chance to shoot anyone at the mechanic shop… the gangsters had no idea the group had a sniper.
Conversely, Javid didn’t know that the gangsters also had a sniper! He pretended to be a Sicario from out of town, and told the guy to go down a floor… Then locked the rooftop access. Maybe it was professional courtesy, but didn’t seem right to shoot the guy.
Tácito had a gorgeous office overlooking the Zócalo. From the lobby, to the elevator, to his waiting room, were two lines of Zootsuited gangsters.

They cheered sarcastically as he and Trudy faced off against the kingpin and his elite guard. Towering over everyone was a six-foot-eight Palurdo. Tied in Tácito’s chair was his secretary, Valeria. One way to solve this.

Zolo Manuel was a cowardly secuestrador, but a sharp-tongued bastard. He sent his legbreakers against the lawyer, while he focused on attacking the Jade Jaguar’s spirit. It was an extremely potent tactic. he pointed out all of the Abogado’s insecurities… But Tácito wasn’t alone!
Trudy Truman saw the vandalized office as a series of weapons. A jaguar statue was a bludgeon. The letter opener was a dagger…
but also like weapons were the crook’s weapons! She received a nasty gash in her arm.

Javid Kulfi, ace sniper, tried to even score. And while he could fire into the melee, he had to shoot out the windows… giving the Palurdo an idea.
The giant picked up the secretary, chair and all, and tried to hurl her out the window! Javid had only one chance to stop him… And gambled on a deadeye shot, aiming for a cabinet behind the man’s left knee. The wood splintered, and the man wrenched backwards… ending up pinned!

The lawyer threw lefts and rights at the stream of thugs. He could keep up the physical battle all day, but the verbal abuse cut deep.

One of the crooks had the bright idea of closing the blinds against the sniper. Trudy had to use old track skills to cross the room, get over the broken glass from the smashed diplomas and grab the curtain rod… then dash the other way across the room, before snapping the thing off and throwing to the street below.

Tácito body checked a crook into a bookcase, giving the Australian reporter a chance to free the secretary… who at Trudy’s insistence, called the police.

This turned the tide. The hallway and elevator Pendejos vanished. Tácito finally fought to a numbers advantage… giving Javid time to line up his shot. Manuel lurched forward, perhaps with an unknown fighting style… Then stumbled past the lawyer, a rose blooming on the crook’s forehead.

On the other side of the world, judge Abelerdo gazed at the pyramids, tuning out the British professor's rant about how he could’ve built them in half the time.

^In “Fear and terror at fashion week!
That sounds awesome. What game are you playing?

So, started playing in a supers game using the Sentinel Comics system and I'm having some doubts about it. Three sessions in now, with the usual session zero awkward meet-and-greet with the rest of our sponsored hero team, then an emergency response to a tech facility being robbed by costumed thugs with supervillain support, and last session went into foiling their escape after a brief chase and then investigating what they were after and who they were sent by. Things went smoothly enough - we all know the system, and I've played with and run for three of the other players.

The problem is tonal. This was pitched as a "nuSilver Age" game running with tropes from the era (so relatively gonzo, mostly black & white heroics expected, and sanitized violence and superfight consequences) but set in the modern day, and everyone built characters to suit that. Then the robbery-in-progress had the villains actively trying to kill some police officers that were trapped in their wrecked car, and one of them murdered a security guard by twisting his head off as a show of force before we could do anything about it. During the chase last session the baddies did their best to kill civilians, including shoving a loaded van off a bridge at one point. Didn't create a challenge or anything to slow us down mechanically, it was just a passing description of their chase action Overcome. One of us still peeled off to slow the fall and then get the victims to shore safely, but the GM seemed surprised when they did so.

Not hating it or anything, but it felt a lot more like edgy 90s fare from one of Image's weaker books than Silver Age. One of my fellow players also objected to what he saw as an ACAB tone to things, and I'm not sure he's off base in saying that. The police NPCs were portrayed as rather hostile when interacting with us, especially with the team being sponsored by the local government with philanthropist support. We're not a bunch of shady vigilante types and spent more time saving both police and civilians in both "action" sessions than we did directly fighting the bad guys.

Think we're going to need to have a talk with the GM about expectations. I wouldn't particularly mind playing a grittier campaign but it isn't what we were sold on, and with two of our players having real-world relatives in law enforcement there needs to be some tact involved in using hostile or downright criminal cops in game. Fine if you can justify it, but that hasn't been coming through so far. Is their union angry with us? Are the ones we talked to crooked? Is there some kind of politics going on we don't know about? Maybe our sponsors are shady and the police know it but can't get the evidence to do anything? We've only had three sessions and I don't feel like jerking my knee about it, but the vibe so far has been weird.

Golden Bee

Monster in the mine!
"How much is this guy paying you?" Devika asked the henchmen. "I have my checkbook with me."

"11,000 [modern] dollars to whomever can capture, kill, or otherwise remove the Copper Mine Monster!"

It was the dog days of summer in New York, so Ziegler Security Services made their way to Michigan, where a monster was afoot and there was publicity to be earned.

The group (Trudy Truman, Devika Velyapur, faithful farmhand Elliot McCaffrey, and scumbag tomb-raider Dr Hemet Hazoul) weren’t particularly financially motivated. In fact, millionaire Devi gave 11[modern] large she "found in envelope" to the local soup kitchen.

Hemet didn’t have his eyes on the prize either. Instead, he got into a verbal and nearly physical altercation with Ernest Hemingway, over the tired woman holding the ladle.
"He might be a big shot writer, but he’s also drunk… Do you really want to go with him to somewhere no one can hear you scream?"

The non-ZSS fortune hunters made the monster hunt harder than it had to be. Three Swiss tourists tried to restrain the naturalist. The British big game hunter ruined any element of surprise.
Our heroes headed down, and soon heard a loud noise behind them… and smelled a huge cloud of dust. Was it the monster chasing them? No, someone had blown up the entrance to the mine!

No way out but down. The bad Professor put his skills to use modifying a mine car, finding out that someone had broken the brakes. With a little know how though, he made it two-speed and reversible. That helped stop it before the group was sliced to pieces by a razor wire!
Soon, the group found the final Swiss tourist… and the monster! It was a sloth the size of a bear, menacing the backpacker, in a pit twelve feet below!

Elliot carefully lassoed the tourist, using a length of rope and the cart to pull them to safety. Devika Velyapur, mystic orphan, used The Whammy to pacify the creature. McCaffrey had to hustle back though. As a rancher, he had much more experience with animals than the Turkish professor or Australian journalist. (It’s worth noting: Trudy's family background in mining kept the group alive, too.)
The group's kindness was repaid when another creature appeared… Nearly filling the pit, eleven feet at the shoulder and as wide as a Cadillac!
The Texan and the Hyderabadi made slow, soothing gestures…
And once the mine monsters were calm, Devika let a few tears slip, remembering her own mother.
It turned out the mine led into a huge natural cave. And not only that, there were muddy footprints…proof the saboteurs were nearby! it was lucky that Devi had spent so much time with her cat burglar father… Trudy almost stepped on a trap-explosive labeled "Lancaster Industries".
Our heroes had the drop on the villains. But Devi, frustrated and sweaty, marched right into their camp. She confirmed that these miners were responsible… And when their boss emerged, bought their loyalty!

That’s when a hidden rifleman took aim at the party. But Elliot was a better shot. In a firefight, momentum can build up fast. Ell got the guy in the shoulder, which threw off their aim… which gave Ell the time to line up another shot, iron-sights to eyebrows.

In the camp, bossman Cheerful Charlie, was strong minded. He resisted the Whammy, and responded to the girl by pulling out a hunting knife! She had agility on her side, but that was about it…except for the timely intrusion of Trudy and professor Hemet!

Tru cleared a way to the campfire, Hem hurled a flaming log at Charlie’s dome. As a tomb-looting lowlife, the prof had been around a knife fight before. They needed Charlie's blade. He went high, Devika went low, and Trudy picked up the discarded weapon. Elliot came up from behind with a brutal bearhug.

Devi poked a finger at the man’s chest. "When you go to Sing-Sing, they’re going to call you Chairful Charlie."
Everyone was saved from the mine collapse. The creatures were set free, and a wall was built between the mine and their habitat. Trudy put out some stories… and went through her Rolodex. She had an idea.
"Mr. Lancaster? You have a meeting with a ‘ZSS’, should I show them in?"

Lancaster Industries was more modern than tomorrow. Sleek lines, art moderne everything. At the center of everything sat modern millionaire Rafe Lancaster.

The group wasn’t mad, not exactly. But they didn’t like the suggestion that they "not take it personally". Scientific projections had proven, conclusively: adventurers were bad for arms manufacturing. Eliminating them, through monster traps or wedding attacks, or funding thieves who pretended to be aliens… That was smart business. Not personal.

Trudy asked the obvious question: if Rafe had so many scientific predictions, why did he keep failing?

Miss Velyapur pulled some cognac out of her Schiaparelli purse.

"Lank, you’re better off liking me. All the smart people do."

He took a deep drink. Expensive booze made 11 AM easier.
"Well, I can’t beat you, and I certainly won’t join you. Professor, Mr. McCaffrey, Miss Truman, thank you for the meeting, have your leave."
The adults left, leaving just the millionaires.
"What to get the girl who has everything? How about a mentor?"

The next morning, what appeared to be a small spaceship appeared through the nexus point. Its power is out, because advanced technology doesn't work here, but there were six humans inside who belonged to the "Terran Guard." They had spotted the robot disappearing from a space battle and had come looking for it. We ended the session there, to give us time to plan our explanations to them.

Yes, this is gonzo postmodern AD&D. It still happens.
AD&D1e, Avalon Campaign:

I missed attempted planetary destruction.
I missed part of last week's session, due to illness. During it, some mind-reading of the "Terran Guard" was done, which revealed that they were working for the Berserkers ("Goodlife" is the Berserker term) and that their ship contained a bomb which would wreck the planet if it ever got into an area where advanced technology worked.

The "Terran Guard" are being kept on ice in case it's necessary to read their minds any more, and the ship is being destroyed.

The Rat Prince escapes. Again.

EDIT: The players set out hunt down Rat Prince, who had bitten them and contaminated them in a rat den previously. They track him to a new den in the sewers, burn him with an artifact, fireball him and... let him go as he escapes into sewer pipes with 2hp left. And they can see his health bar, playing on Roll20 as we are, they just were not in any hurry to keep him from escaping or to go after him. He's not on their level (literally), but he just keeps on trucking.
Last edited:

Golden Bee

Coalminer's Daughter >>> Single White Female.

Music in the Hills.
“An’ yew haf pictures of that?” asked that editor, changing his eyepatch from one eye to the other… Neither of them damaged.

1935, Miami Beach. Far from a massive hotel district, it was considered a sleepy part of the city…
But the party was hopping in Bert "the Beast" Wilde’s office. The record executive was throwing a party in honor of the returning Florence Zee, with Prof Winston Callahan, sniper photog Javid Kulfi, and reporter Trudy Truman in attendanceWhile everyone’s here, how about a small favor? Hillbilly music was big… But as a black man, Bert was not inclined to go out and record it. The group had done a fine job in Jamaica, how about Appalachia?
The train stopped along Cumberland River. It was a minor station, but the railroad bulls were out in force, eager to crack the skulls of all the freeloading hobos. Florence was ready to stand up for the dispossessed (having rode the rails herself), when Javid noticed something interesting… All the hobos had the exact same face.
All the railroad cops did too. Which meant this was a scheme by an outlying branch of the March clan! (For more of them, read up on the "Wives of March" adventure by Caleb Stokes. In brief, they’re a man and woman cursed in prehistory to conquer death by constantly reincarnating whenever either procreates. Vengeful, mad, and manipulative are the Marches.)

The players knew the brawl was part of a political set up… But didn’t want to be there for the aftermath. They were joined by a backwoods barbie named Loretta DePraw, who had a wonderful voice and the brainpower God gave crayons. She was everything Florence wanted in a mentee: talented, naïve, gay, and eager to give her attention.

A brief investigation revealed that the rail yard incident was politically motivated. The March clan were running one of their own as governor. ‘Tough on crime’ posturing was easy when you can controlled the crime. Unfortunately, the investigation got too hot, sending the players fleeing with their luggage down the twisted back roads of Tennessee. Trudy had the bright idea of staying near the train tracks, since at least they would be clear… Professor Cal had a more ambitious idea. He drove until he found a suitable embankment and ramped the car onto a passing steamboat! The passengers and crew were amazed that he only slightly dented one of the railings… But Trudy couldn’t bribe her way out of this one, ending up with the tiny cabin next to the boiler.

The boat was luckily free of enemies. While Florence recorded some songs with Loretta, the group tried to ingratiate themselves with the captain…and found someone even more verbose than Trudy! Every time they tried to argue for access to the boiler, or a cabin upgrade, they’d get a long story about the history of river travel in America. After turning the cabin into a dark room, Jav and Tru got the crew to honor their request: do you see these railroad bums? Don’t let them, or anyone who looks like them, onto the boat.
Nashville was the place to be. Not only was the Grand Old Opry recording its favorite radio show… There was a Century Club presentation at Vanderbilt, showing off the world's first jetpack, mastered by centurion Jet Black! Of course, Callahan couldn’t keep his hands to himself… And with Javid’s help, ‘improved’ the pack and took it for a test flight. Jet chomped a cigar angrily, and when he got a chance, made sure to one-up the professor. By the way, had they met Jet’s friend… The Gray Gargoyle?!
Across town, Florence tried to make the case for two last-minute additions to this show. It wasn’t working, until Trudy noticed the station manager staring at her purse…she said as Australians, they’d love to learn more about American "tipping culture". Palm sufficiently crossed with silver, the manager welcomed to them to the Opry family.

Trudy and Flo managed to extract their male companions from the Century Club kerfuffle. And soon, it was evening, with Miss Zee brought on stage at the premiere theater of country music. It took her a while to get her bearings (mostly deciding between her Australian accent and an affected southern twang), but she got her applause and introduced Loretta. Unfortunately, Loretta started singing a song in a language older than civilization. Javid knew it for what it was… Lo was giving the Marches their marching orders! She was adopted by the clan, and not nearly as stupid as she looked.

The audience didn’t know any better and started clapping along. Backstage, identical thugs grabbed Florence and tried to trap her in a dumpster… She pretended to be unconscious, making them forget to lock the top.

While everything seemed normal on stage, behind the curtains it was utter chaos. Not wanting to pull out his rifle, Javid hurled lightbulbs and glass bottles. Trudy cut the radio feed, then kept the stage crew distracted with intense blather. The party dropped a sandbag right on Loretta’s head, dazing her… And when she fled, Florence grabbed the microphone and demanded an encore. A riotous performance.

The villains nearly escaped… Until the players made a call to the Gargoyle. Their nemesis crashed into, and knocked over, the getaway car…but executing their foes wasn’t great behavior for downtown Nashville. Javid poured out some old Kentucky bourbon. And then some more. And then some more, right next to Jet Black.

"See you later buddy, we’ll take it from here!" Said the Afghan. ‘Hey, his jetpack watches with a burst of flame, right? Maybe near a liquor trail, leading to the upturned car?’ [/quote]
Back in Miami, Bert was pissed. They hadn’t gotten him a new singer.
"Well," said Florence, "we do have a record. And the contract rights. Some stars get even bigger posthumously."

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