Undead Origins

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Mythic Origins
Pathfinder 1e
Geb, Necromancer: ?
Whispering Tyrant, Tar-Baphon: ?
Urgathoa: ?
Mother's Maw, Herald: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Powerful Undead: ?
Mythic Undead: ?
Undead Worshiper: ?
Undead Thrall: Mythic Soulreaver spell.
Created Undead: ?
Vampire Lord: ?

School necromancy [death]; Level cleric 8, sorcerer/wizard 8,
witch 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target living creatures in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude half; Spell Resistance yes
Favored by the necromancer Geb as a tool to turn his enemies’ armies against themselves, this potent death spell deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) to living creatures in the area of effect.
Mythic: You can expend one use of mythic power to raise creatures killed by this effect as undead thralls. You can animate a number of Hit Dice worth of undead up to double your tier as if you had animated them with animate dead. The undead created by this spell count toward the total number of Hit Dice worth of undead you can control.
Augmented (8th): If you expend two uses of mythic power, you can raise slain foes as undead creatures chosen from the list of undead for create undead. By expending three uses of mythic power, you can select from the list for create greater undead. The total number of Hit Dice worth of undead created in this way can’t exceed double your tier. Created undead are not automatically under your control. If you are capable of commanding undead, you may attempt to command the undead creatures as they form.


Occult Origins
Pathfinder 1e
Undead, Undead Creature, Unquiet Dead, Unquiet Soul, Restless Dead: ?
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Vicious Undead: ?
Haunt: ?
Ghost: ?
Angry Ghost: ?
Ghost, Vicious Undead: ?
Tar-Baphon, Whispering Tyrant: ?
Shadow, Vicious Undead: ?


Pathfinder Adventure Path: Tyrant's Grasp Player's Guide
Pathfinder 1e
Tar-Baphon, Whispering Tyrant: ?
Undead: Lastwall is a land of rolling grasslands, primeval forests, and ancient battle scars. Once a landscape of orc holds and Kellid city-states dotted with Taldan supply forts, the Whispering Tyrant began to steadily consume the territory after 3200 ar. Orc and Kellid populations were pressed or enslaved into service, with those who fell—either in battle of ill-fated rebellions— animated to serve mindlessly until their bones crumbled to dust.
Incorporeal Undead: ?

Voidrunner's Codex

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