Undead Origins


Blood of the Night
Pathfinder 1e
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Living Dead: ?
Undead Who Feed on the Blood of Their Enemies: ?
Undead Who Feed on the Life Energy of Their Enemies: ?
Undead Who Feed on the Willpower of Their Enemies: ?
Undead Baddy: ?
Lesser Undead: ?
Undead Servant: ?
Undead Thrall: ?
Undead Forebear: ?
Greater Undead: ?
Carnivorous Undead: ?
Life-Draining Undead: ?
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Larger Undead: ?
Smaller Undead: ?
Barely Sentient Undead: ?
Undead Foe: ?
Undead General: ?
Undead Noble: ?
Undead Spy: ?
Overly Ambitious Undead Warlord: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghoul: ?
Hungry Ghoul: ?
Ghoul, Hungering Creature That Lacks a Drain Ability: ?
Lich: ?
Whispering Tyrant: ?
Mummy: ?
Vampire, True Vampire, Vampirekind: Though they all share a common fate in undeath, the different types of vampires arise in distinctly different ways.
Vampire, Vicious Undead, Undead Fiend, Extremely Powerful Creature: ?
Vampire, Undead Parent, Undead Ancestor, Undead Progenitor, Undead Antecedent, Immortal Parent,Vampiric Forebear: ?
Vampire, Undead Father: ?
Vampire, Blood-Sucking Villain: ?
Vampire Jiang-Shi, Hopping Vampire: Jiang-shis are created from restless spirits who failed to leave their bodies upon death.
Last of the true vampires, the jiang-shis evolved from strigoi who fell into deep hibernation for countless centuries, only to be awakened by their overwhelming desires, starved and half mad. Forgetting their pride, they swiftly took to sucking the life force from the very breath of their prey.
Jiang-shis are created when a creature goes to its grave with a grudge or unfulfilled wish and is buried without the correct ritual to put its soul at rest. Transformation into a jiang-shi is more likely if the individual encountered a jiang-shi in life.
A jiang-shi is brought to being by an obsession unfulfilled and distilled in the putrefaction of its corpse. In a cruel twist, the years that it took for the creature to reanimate may have destroyed the object of the vampire’s obsession, and the jiang-shi returns to a world that has long since moved on. Denied fulfillment, the vampire perceives deep connections to the past in signs and symbols unrecognizable to others.
Elsewhere they are rare, but Rahadoumi jiang-shis are not unheard of, thanks in part to their faithless burials, and ambitious pretenders who escape Galt’s final blades but not the weapons of the Gray Gardeners occasionally return decades later as jiang-shis to pursue a revolutionary plot cut short. Jiang-shis who are not buried following traditional Tian practices do not rise with scrolls fixed to their brows, but must craft their own. Depending on their land of origin, non-Tian jiang-shis may use other markers to protect themselves from spells and effects, such as placing stylized copper coins over their eyes or donning intricate headdresses.
Vampire Jiang-Shi, Vengeful Seeker of Signs, Living Corpse: ?
Jiang-Shi Symbolist, Otherworldly Signseeker Lost in Time: ?
Jiang-Shi Symbolist, Superstitious Wanderer: ?
Jiang-Shi Symbolist, Undead Spiritualist: ?
Jiang-Shi Symbolist, Whimsical Immortal: ?
Vampire Jiang-Shi Spawn: The victims of jiang-shis often end up rising as vampires themselves.
Last of the true vampires, the jiang-shis evolved from strigoi who fell into deep hibernation for countless centuries, only to be awakened by their overwhelming desires, starved and half mad. Forgetting their pride, they swiftly took to sucking the life force from the very breath of their prey.
Rahadoumi Jiang-Shi: ?
Non-Tian Jiang-Shi: ?
Grandmaster Guo Quianru, Jiang-Shi Monk, Ancient Sensei: ?
Vampire Moroi, Haughty Brutal Moroi: A moroi is created as the spawn of another. These spawn are released from service when their creator either is slain or deems them more useful as free subjects. Eventually, the spawn gain all the powers of their moroi master.
In time, some [nosferatu] spurned the animalistic ways of their brethren and embraced the cult of youth that pervaded their mortal prey. These became the moroi, the most common among vampirekind.
Vampire Moroi, Seductive Lord of Blood, Sensuous Manipulator, Cunning Vampire, Killer, Creature Driven By a Deep Desire for Living Blood and Wracked With the Insecurity and Paranoia of the Powerful But Despised, Earthly Being: ?
Vampire Moroi Spawn: The moroi are the most common among vampirekind. Their deadly kiss can bestow unlife to their victims, who become their unwitting thralls upon reanimation.
A moroi is created as the spawn of another.
One of the unique tools of the moroi is the ability to create spawn.
Vampire Moroi Spawn, Unwitting Thrall, Enthralled Servant of a Moroi, Willing Servant, Hungry Minion, Mere Slave: ?
Moroi Master: ?
Savage Lizardfolk Moroi: ?
Long Exiled Ever-Living Bretheren Snowcaster Elf Moroi: ?
Most Infamous Moroi: ?
Civilized Moroi: ?
More Barbaric Moroi: ?
Lonely Moroi: ?
Moroi, Informed Foe: ?
Smart Moroi: ?
Moroi, Infuriating Foe: ?
Moroi Blackguard, Merciless Exploiter of the Innocent, Herald of Destruction and Depravation, Adept Leader: ?
Moroi Blackguard, Evil Crusader: ?
Moroi Blackguard, Malign Tempter: ?
Moroi Blackguard, Sadistic Antihero: ?
Noble Moroi: ?
Polite Moroi: ?
Adventuring Moroi: ?
Adventuring Moroi, Freed Spawn: ?
Adventuring Moroi, Creature Too Ancient to Bother With the Joys of Evil: ?
Moroi, Vampiric Forebear, Undead Progenitor: ?
Hungry Moroi: ?
Most Powerful Moroi: ?
Jentani Valvasor, Countess Valvasor, Powerful Vampire Moroi: ?
Ragged Maw, Lizardfolk Moroi, Nocturnal Hunter: ?
Vampire Nosferatu, Bestial Unviersally Shunned Nosferatu: Nosferatu are typically the result of either terrible necromantic rituals or magical experiments.
Having lost their ability to reproduce millennia ago, the race of nosferatu creeps slowly toward extinction. It is only through the use of hidden and dangerous necromantic rituals that the living now transform into these dread vampires.
Vampire Nosferatu, Eternally Cursed Ancient, Monstrosity Blessed With Eternal Life But Not Eternal Youth, Dread Vampire, Vampiric Descendant of the Strigoi, Withered Forefather, Most Wretched of Vampires, Most Bestial of Vampires, Cursed Soul, Master of Any Environment, Savage Ancient Vampire, Moldering Cadaver, Earthly Being, Wretched Creature, Bogeyman: ?
Vampire Nosferatu, Undead Parent, Forebear: ?
Cautious Nosferatu: ?
Nosferatu Shapechanger, Undead Master of Many Forms: ?
Nosferatu Shapechanger, Arcane Imposter: ?
Nosferatu Shapechanger, Master Transmuter: ?
Nosferatu Shapechanger, Shameful Deceiver: ?
Traitorous Nosferatu: ?
Ramoska Arkminos, Nosferatu: ?
Angry Nosferatu: ?
Vampire Vetala: A vetala rises from an evil child who received an improper burial upon death, and whose spirit wrenched free of its original form to adopt the corpse of another as its host.
A few strigoi too proud to feed on the filthy fluids of lesser beings starved almost to extinction, but from among these evolved the vetalas, vampires able to consume the pure humanity from their victims’ minds.
A vetala is born from the warped spirit of an evil child who received an improper burial in unholy land. Vetalas often lead other beings in powerful evil rituals that are meant to transform slain spirits into new vetalas.
When it grows tired of its corpse-toys, a vetala sometimes kidnaps a child, modifies family members’ memories so they only half-remember the lost youth, and drags its new companion back to its lair, where the child quickly starves. Dying in the company of a vetala taints the child’s soul, and its lack of burial makes it rise as a vetala itself.
Elsewhere on Golarion, states torn by war and disease or populated by savage races bury more children than others (and often must bury them hurriedly); Nirmathas, the Sodden Lands, and even Irrisen have thus seen their fair share of vetalas rise from the dead.
Vampire Vetala, Intellect-Siphoning Undead Mastermind, Vampire Able to Consume the Pure Humanity From Their Victim's Mind, Insidious Creature of Great Knowledge Great Mystery and Great Desire, Child Spirit, Abomination, Cursed Being, Extremely Challenging Foe, Warped But Natural Link in the Ongoing Process of Renewal, Spirit Creature Possessing a Body, Mysterious Body-Stealing Vampire: ?
Vampirie Vetala, Forebear, Vampiric Parent, Progenitor, Vampire Parent, Ancestor, Eternally Childish Parent, Undead Forebear: ?
Vetala Lifestealer, Predatory Martial Memory Stealer: ?
Vetala Lifestealer, Calm Hunter: ?
Vetala Lifestealer, Hungry Scrapper: ?
Vetala Lifestealer, Meditative Sweeper: ?
Vetala, Sage: ?
Vetala, Advisor: ?
Kemnebi, Vetala, Chancellor, Blood Lord: ?
Vampiric Foe: ?
Vampire Character, Monstrous Character, Vampire PC: ?
Good Vampire Character: ?
Vampire Enemy: ?
Vampiric Villain: ?
Vampire Strigoi, Ancient Creature: ?
Lonely Vampire: ?
Rare Vampire: ?
Vampire Spellcaster: ?
Vampire Very Ancient: ?
Vampire Master: ?
Shapeshifting Vampire: ?
Neutral Vampire: ?
Neutral Vampire, Freed Spawn: ?
Good Vampire, Impossibly Rare Good Vampire: ?
Adventuring Vampire: ?
Established Vampire: ?
Vampire With the Incredible Ability to Transform Into Certain Animals: ?
Basest Monster: ?
Sharpest Creature: ?
Most Arrogant Vampire: ?
Bestial Creature of Instinct: ?
Creature With a Blood Drain Ability, Creature With the Blood Drain Ability: ?
Creature With a Level Drain Ability: ?
Creature With a Ability Drain Ability: ?
Hungering Creature That Lacks a Drain Ability: ?
Typical Vampire: ?
Upstart Vampire: ?
Hungry New Spawn: ?
Ancient Master: ?
Ancient Vampire: ?
Malyas, Vampire Lord: ?
Zura, The Vampire Queen, Demon Lord: ?
Blood Emperor Ruithvein, Vampire: ?
Urgathoa, The Pallid Princess: ?
Olix, Vampire Priest: ?
Cruel Vampire: ?
Slavering Vampire: ?
Vampiric Companion: Vampiric Companion feat.
Vampiric Companion, Twisted Companion: ?
Bloodsucker: ?
Penanggalen, Lesser Vampire-Kin: ?
Wight: ?
Zombie, Hungering Creature That Lacks a Drain Ability: ?
Vampiric Companion
Just as your undead existence mocks nature, so too are you granted a twisted companion that reflects the vile nature of vampirism.
Prerequisites: Dhampir or vampire, nongood alignment, 10 levels in a class that grants a familiar or animal companion.
Benefit: Your animal companion or familiar’s type changes to “undead.” The creature gains your vampire or dhampir weaknesses and fast healing 5. If you are a vampire, the creature also gains the following abilities, depending on what type of vampire you are.
Jiang-Shi: If the creature is adjacent to you or you are sharing a square, it gains the benefit of your prayer scroll ability. The creature crumbles into dust if destroyed ( just like a jiang-shi), but is not permanently destroyed unless measures are taken that would destroy a jiang-shi.
Moroi: If the creature is adjacent to or in your square when you assume gaseous form, it transforms with you and follows you; its transformation ends when yours does. If reduced to 0 hit points, it is forced into gaseous form and must return to your coffin to reform (or the foot of your coffin if it cannot fit within it).
Nosferatu: If the creature is adjacent to or in your square when you assume swarm form, it transforms with you and follows you; its transformation ends when yours does. The creature can climb as if using spider climb, even if its anatomy is not suitable for climbing (such as a horse).
Vetala: The creature may use malevolence and possession as if it were a vetala, but by touch and only affecting creatures or corpses that are the same type of creature as the animal companion or familiar (such as bear, horse, or snake). If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, the creature is helpless and its fast healing ceases to function for 1 hour (additional damage or desecration has no effect); after 1 hour it regains 1 hit point and is no longer helpless, and its fast healing resumes. It can be permanently destroyed as if it were a vetala.
Special: If your animal companion or familiar is destroyed, dismissed, or lost, you may apply the effects of this feat to the replacement creature. If you are destroyed, the creature retains its undead type but loses all other special abilities from this feat. If you have more than one animal companion or familiar, choose one of them when you select this feat and apply its effects to that creature.
You may select this feat more than once. Each time you select the feat, it applies to a different animal companion or familiar.
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Cohorts & Companions
Pathfinder 1e
Undead, Undead Creature: For some leaders, a vow of loyalty unto death isn’t good enough and so the chains that guarantee their followers’ obedience endure beyond the grave and into unlife. Others bypass the unreliable independence of living minds entirely and seek to ensnare souls and mold corrupted flesh into relentless minions of unquestioning and literally undying obedience.
Vampire: ?
Undead Minion: ?
Relentless Minion: ?
Undead Cohort: ?
Mindless Undead: ?
Intelligent Undead: ?
Festrog: ?
Draugr: ?
Ghul: ?
Shredskin: ?
Dullahan: ?
Corporeal Undead: ?
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Animated Corpse: ?


Dungeoneer's Handbook
Pathfinder 1e
Undead, Unquiet Dead: Conquered dungeons also often feature haunts or unquiet dead, especially if the former inhabitants were slaughtered during the invasion.
Eternal Sentinel: ?
Undead Minion: ?
Incorporeal Undead: ?
Haunt: Conquered dungeons also often feature haunts or unquiet dead, especially if the former inhabitants were slaughtered during the invasion.
Ghostly Inhabitant: ?
Blood-Drinking Ghost: ?
The Whispering Tyrant, Tar-Baphon, Lich: ?
Vampire: ?
Wraith: ?


Heroes of the Darklands
Pathfinder 1e
Undead: ?
Undead Spellcaster: ?
Ghoul: Lazurite, a material found exclusively in marrowstone deposits of Sekamina, is also harmless to the living. However, it has strange necromantic properties, and any fresh, mostly intact corpse left in its light has a chance to rise as a ghoul.
A living creature slain while wearing lazurite-bonded armor has a 10% chance of spontaneously rising as a ghoul after 24 hours.
Amulet of Radiation Absorption magic item.
Free-Willed Ghoul: Lazurite is a decayed form of a radioactive material no longer found in its natural form within the Darklands, said to be the remnants of a long-dead god. Lazurite is encountered exclusively in Sekamina, and appears as a crumbling black dust that emits a strong aura of necromancy. A corpse left within 30 feet of a naturally occurring deposit of lazurite for 24 hours has a 50% chance of spontaneously reanimating as a free-willed ghoul (often with the class levels it had in life).
Darklands Ghoul: ?

PRICE 45,000 GP
SLOT neck
CL 10th
WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA moderate abjuration and conjuration
This amulet features a large, ragged stone that was harvested from highly radioactive regions of the Darklands and that glows with a faint green light. The wearer is rendered immune to the effects of all forms of radiation. Additionally, for each minute the wearer is exposed to radiation, the amulet absorbs 1 charge of radioactive energy. The amulet can hold up to 5 charges. Charges naturally dissipate at a rate of 1 charge per 24 hours. As a standard action, the wearer can expend 1 charge in order to fire a ray of concentrated radiation from the amulet. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range of 60 feet. The wearer can choose any one of the following effects, as outlined below.
Blightburn: The target takes 6d6 points of fire damage.
Caphorite: The target must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Lazurite: The target takes 2d6 points of negative energy damage, and if it dies in the next hour, there is a 50% chance it rises as a ghoul 1d4 rounds later.
Surface: The target takes 1d2 points of Strength and Constitution damage.
COST 22,500 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, radiation ward (see page 15), remove radioactivity (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide 11)

Voidrunner's Codex

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