Shadowdark looks so good!

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
The premium version of the book is on really thick paper. The standard edition is nice enough but having seen photos of the other one I am envious.
I bet a lot more people, proportionally, are going to back the premium version of SoloDark, which I suspect is what she plans to put on Kickstarter next.

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Deluxe Unhuman
Got my copy of the core book book just in time for Christmas, and it's a beaut!

There's so much to love in this. The layout is set up so that each page or two-page spread is one topic or sub-topic. The art is very reminiscent of early D&D art, in the best possible way. The random tables are bursting from the seams, and could be ported into any game. The sections of the book have black boxes on the outer edge of the pages, so that you can see the different sections when when the book is closed.

It's just kind of a masterpiece and I love it.


I'm in BC. Our copy just cleared customs and is beginning its journey across Canada from Ontario. Going to arrive just in time for my return to work.🙄 Very excited to get it.


Reeks of Jedi
Got mine. Very nice quality, but I think I'll keep using my bound pdf printed copy most of the time just due to the size for me.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Got mine. Very nice quality, but I think I'll keep using my bound pdf printed copy most of the time just due to the size for me.
The spiral-bound quickstart books I got Kinkos to print are so good, I suspect I'll be using those for the players, at a minimum, except when the full book is needed for them (which won't be often, I don't think).

Voidrunner's Codex

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