OSR Baptism of Fire RPG

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I love all the actual fascists here spitting venom over someone they consider an ideological foe, and calling him a "reactionary", of all things. It's really entertaining to watch all the Leftists lose their tiny minds over a popular product. Please continue.

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Staff member
I love all the actual fascists here spitting venom over someone they consider an ideological foe, and calling him a "reactionary", of all things. It's really entertaining to watch all the Leftists lose their tiny minds over a popular product. Please continue.
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“Every dog gets one free bite”, as the saying goes. You’ve used yours on your very first post.

You might want to familiarize yourself with ENWorlds’s Terms of Service before you post again.



Staff member
While I’m here, let me just note that some very good people & organizations HAVE- and will likely continue to- defended very bad people when questions of fundamental rights are involved. Notably, the ACLU has had their lawyers represent Klansmen in cases with important Constitutional law issues, and society is better for it.

However, that’s a far cry from Pundit’s declaring a neoNazi to be a “hero” for defending free speech by assaulting someone as she exercised her free speech. (See spoilered text in previous post for context.)

I would encourage people to go to the sources of these claims themselves. Some Dude has a long history of going after pundit and anyone associated with him (myself included) across multiple platforms). Some might even say he does so to the point of harassment. I don't agree with everything that Pundit says, but one thing I am sure of is he isn't a neo-nazi. He is one of the few people i have seen stand up to them on social media a number of times.

People should make up their own mind about him and anyone else. But there are a lot of people in the hobby who want to control what designers other people read, who other people are allowed to associate with.

While I’m here, let me just note that some very good people & organizations HAVE- and will likely continue to- defended very bad people when questions of fundamental rights are involved. Notably, the ACLU has had their lawyers represent Klansmen in cases with important Constitutional law issues, and society is better for it.

However, that’s a far cry from Pundit’s declaring a neoNazi to be a “hero” for defending free speech by assaulting someone as she exercised her free speech. (See spoilered text in previous post for context.)

I was there when he said this. I disagreed with him saying it and said so quite vocally. But I also understood he wasn't throwing his support behind neo-nazis. I disagreed with his sentiment, but I don't think he needs to be an untouchable over it. We keep reducing people to their worst moments online.

Some Dude

I would encourage people to go to the sources of these claims themselves. Some Dude has a long history of going after pundit and anyone associated with him (myself included) across multiple platforms). Some might even say he does so to the point of harassment. I don't agree with everything that Pundit says, but one thing I am sure of is he isn't a neo-nazi. He is one of the few people i have seen stand up to them on social media a number of times.

People should make up their own mind about him and anyone else. But there are a lot of people in the hobby who want to control what designers other people read, who other people are allowed to associate with.

If you actually read what I inked on reddit, it clearly states that Pundit is not being accused of being a nazi. What he is accused of is calling neo-nazis "heroes," even after finding out they were neo-nazis. This is something he undeniably did.

And, yes, I STRONGLY encourage everyone to go DIRECTLY to the sources. The reddit post has inks back to Pundit's bog, and his own words.

I'm not asking anyone to take my word for it. Pundit's own words are there, in black and white.

@Bedrockgames, I challenge you to find one word I have said that is untrue, or anything in the reddit thread I linked that is untrue. Instead of ad hominem attacks, how about a rebuttal? I'll wait.

As for "harassment," I've simply made it clear that I will not support Pundit, or any of his publishers, including Bedrock Games. Pundit is over on his forum right now this minute, encouraging its members to brigade a website. Please.
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@Bedrockgames, I challenge you to find one word I have said that is untrue, or anything in the reddit thread I linked that is untrue. Instead of ad hominem attacks, how about a rebuttal? I'll wait.

I never said you lied. I said people should go to the source. If they follow the links they will see Pundit's statements regarding the claims as well as the original blog posts and can make up their own minds. My point is people shouldn't rely on summaries and hearsay but see statements in their full context and also see what the person's present explanation is.

As for "harassment," I've simply made it clear that I will not support Pundit, or any of his publishers, including Bedrock Games. Pundit is over on his forum right now this minute, encouraging its members to brigade a website. Please.

We have a very different memory of your behavior. It seems like you have made it a personal mission to destroy people. And for some reason, you are very selective in which Pundit associates you go after. Pretty sure I know why too

Also you are not simply making clear who you personally don't support. You actively try to cancel designers you don't like or have a personal beef with

As for "harassment," I've simply made it clear that I will not support Pundit, or any of his publishers, including Bedrock Games. Pundit is over on his forum right now this minute, encouraging its members to brigade a website. Please.
Then let this be my formal request to you, here and across platforms, and across all your many handles, to please leave me alone. I don't think you understand how your online behavior comes across

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