OSR The Monster Overhaul

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Another gem, tucked into the chaos frogs entry. (An improved take on slaadi, IMO.)

The Monster Overhaul said:
Folk wisdom says cats have nine lives. In truth, they’re born with somewhere between five and twelve, depending on the size of the litter. Lives slosh around in the womb. Cautious kittens, fearless kittens. Very rarely, a kitten ends up with negative one life. An Antikitten, a body animated by the absence of a soul. Not undead, not empty flesh. Immune to magic, able to rend ghosts like expensive curtains, but otherwise just a normal cat. The Chaos Frogs think one is around here somewhere and want it as a pet.

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I run Compose Dream Games RPG Marketplace
Alright, so I am pretty much saying it here first:

There are 84 copies of the The Monster Overhaul that have just landed in the UK (actually 90 but 6 are already claimed). We expect to have them in our hands mid-week.
You can order from The Monster Overhaul
This is also the best place to order from if you are in Europe, but do expect customs.
There's a wide array of other titles also available there.

Copies are still available from our Canadian site, in fact we'll be receiving a large number from the 3rd printing this week too.
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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Alright, so I am pretty much saying it here first:

There are 84 copies of the The Monster Overhaul that have just landed in the UK (actually 90 but 6 are already claimed). We expect to have them in our hands mid-week.
You can order from The Monster Overhaul
This is also the best place to order from if you are in Europe, but do expect customs.
There's a wide array of other titles also available there.

Copies are still available from our Canadian site, in fact we'll be receiving a large number from the 3rd printing this week too.
I love this book so much! What's your next project?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Alright, so I am pretty much saying it here first:

There are 84 copies of the The Monster Overhaul that have just landed in the UK (actually 90 but 6 are already claimed). We expect to have them in our hands mid-week.
You can order from The Monster Overhaul
This is also the best place to order from if you are in Europe, but do expect customs.
There's a wide array of other titles also available there.

Copies are still available from our Canadian site, in fact we'll be receiving a large number from the 3rd printing this week too.
This book is easily my best purchase of the past 10 years. Possibly my best RPG purchase ever. I cannot recommend it highly enough to all DMs, especially those in the OSR/NSR space.


I run Compose Dream Games RPG Marketplace
I love this book so much! What's your next project?

Skerples has already started work on "The Treasure Overhaul" which seems pretty sweet.
His two most recent blog posts on Coins and Scrolls cover it and provide a couple downloads.

My own recent big project was launching an indie RPG distributor in the UK to match the one I run in Canada ;) So that it is easier for both local retailers and everyone to get great rpg books like The Monster Overhaul.

I also spent this morning making hand drawn covers for my latest game God-Killer Prophecy -- which you are welcome to read more about here, there's a video too. It's a one-shot GMless game with teeth, where you illustrate your journey across six chapters and attempt to beat escalating challenges while giving "the chosen one" all the best playing cards so they can slay the dark god.

edit to add -- about the only thing these works have in common is that The Monster Overhaul is an idea engine, and God-Killer Prophecy aims to be an idea engine too.
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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
A third Treasure Overhaul article, although the full preview is Patreon-only, which is fair (the first two free previews were extremely generous, IMO), this time featuring the Deck of Motley Things which uses ... an actual Tarot deck.

Which is one of those "duh" things in retrospect. I had been thinking of how to do the Deck of Many Things for Shadowdark and I'm embarrassed to admit this never occured to me. Leaving aside the merits of Skerples' deck, going this way means DMs have thousands (tens of thousands?) of decks to choose from for their own table.

Voidrunner's Codex

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