D&D 1E Wilderlands experts?


How inconvenient
What did you use to make these maps? I like the style.
Not quite sure I understand the question.

Did I use "map-making" software? No, everything was "done by hand" using GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). The whole thing basically boiled down to cleaning up the original maps so that only their coast- and river-lines remained and then filling them in again hex by hex.

For the mountains I took a mountain from CM9, cleaned it up, and then copy-pasted it into relevant hexes.
Same story for the hills.
Much the same for the forests, jungles, deserts, and swamps only on a larger scale - copy-pasted a whole load of hexes together, cleaned everything up, colored it and then took chunks of it as required.
Everything was based on the original map legend as much as possible, with only the jungles and the rivers not quite working out. Lettering and numbering is mostly just fonts - outlined in black when required - with some of it made on the spot so it would fit.

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