D&D 4E 4e Scenario Template in Landscape Layout- STEAL THIS FROM ME AND USE IT


Ghaerdon Fain said:
Awesome, I'll use it... but where are the fingerprint marks all over the cover? Just wont feel "real" without the ugly fingerprints ;-/

Really, it needs soda pop and beer spilled on it (or is that character sheets ;).

Regarding the cover, for the scenarios I'm writing, I just use a tan or gold font over the brown with paint shop pro and stick the cover back on.

The headline fonts that are used in the DUNGEON scenarios has an outline. Most PAINT programs wil allow you to do this, but the cheap version of WORD I used to make this doesn't have that option.

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First Post
I've never understood the idea of a landscape adventure. My DM Screen is usually a binder with the adventure in it. Having the adventure landscape means I'd have to invest in a special binder to keep flipped pages hidden, or turn my head sideways a lot.

That being said, to people that this would be useful for, this is beautiful! Very nice work.


UPDATED today with new OGL info. I made the size of the basic license text 8pt. You can update this to the official size if need be


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