OSR OSR News Roundup

Simon Miles

Creator of the World of Barnaynia FRPG setting
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The new SM10 The Pit of Panzar mega-dungeon adventure from Dunromin University Press is out now; download for just $3.95 until the end of July.

In City Year CY444 the greatest Dwarf mage of all time, Archmage Panzar, mounted his Flying Pig and rode up to the Necklace to do battle with Guth-Targ Greller Ak Terraak, an Efreet, and her army in her asteroid palace.

Despite his great magical powers, Panzar failed.

His burnt and petrified body fell from the asteroid and crashed down upon a hillside somewhere in the Borderlands. His fall drove a narrow pit into the hillside to a great depth and neither his body nor his legendary magical equipment were ever recovered.

But now a seal ring bearing the mark of the House of Panzar has been found in a riverbed thirty miles west of the border city of Karan. The river is fed by streams emerging from the hill above it – Dol Jint.

Could this large hill be the final resting place of the great mage and, more importantly, all his loot?

The Pit of Panzar
is the latest release from Dunromin University Press and the pdf download is available at a special price of just $3.95 until the end of July, 2024.#

With over 300 encounter locations over 5 levels, this is a MEGA-DUNGEON scenario that follows the Dunromin University Press paradigm of Great Quality at the best possible value for money.

The Pit of Panzar is designed for OSR, AD&D 1st and 2nd Edition, or pretty much any TTFRPG, and intended for 5 to 8 adventurers of 6th to 9th level

The Pit of Panzar is also available in Print-on-Demand Hard and Soft cover, each with free pdf option.

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Welcome to the second news Roundup in July. SabreCon2024 is officially over, and it was both tiring and a lot of fun. It is perhaps good that the last week was light on new releases. No doubt the long holiday weekend in the US had a lot to do with it. Anyway, it'll be a short Roundup this week.
  • I've been listening to Dimension 20s new game, Never Stop Blowing Up, based on action movies, and so it seems to be perfect timing that I see Bravado, Bombast, Brains + Bullets is live on itch. It's a rules-lite homage to cheesy 90s action flicks.
  • Nuked! is a clever little post-apoc rpg, and the author has released the first two supplementary zines for it that are available on itch: the Totally Radical Tales Volumes One and Two. Volume 1 is an adventure, while Volume 2 is a rules supplemen and expansion.
  • We're currently out of stock of Barkeep on the Borderlands, but a little itch adventure caught my fancy when I saw that it was inspired by the music of John Fahey. The Outer Reaches was a submission to the recent Barkeep jam on itch, and details a setting to use for that system.
  • The Occluded Keep of the Doomed Elementalist is a new adventure by YouCanBreatheNow Games, and it has gotten praise from the excellent Between Two Cairns podcast. It's written for broad OSR-play, and is designed for adventurers of 3-4 level.
  • Prolific author Philip Reed has released The Many Eyes of the Tyrant, a system-neutral supplement for customizing the already terrible eye tyrant. It's primarily written with 5e in mind, but Reed is no strange to old-school gaming, and wrote this specifically to be used in older games, as well.
  • The Harvest of Horror is written for DCC and starts off with a mysterious meteorite landing in a farmer's field, one of my favorite plot hooks to throw at characters.
  • I'm not familiar with Bee Excellent Games, but they've just released a 0-level adventure for Shadowdark entitled Tower of the Missing Mage. The premise is that a local wizard was defeated in a magical rivalry, and their tower is now open for plunder. Even if you don't run it as such, I think it sounds like a good resource for adding a mage's tower to your setting.
We've added a bunch of new titles to the Sabre website, including:
  • I played my first game of Battletech about a month ago after a thirty-year hiatus and was surprised and thrilled to learn that the rules really haven't changed that much. Anyway, we've started to carry individual Battletech minis in addition to the larger force packs, so if you're looking for a specific mech or two to round out your lance you don't need to buy an entire box.
  • We've restocked the OSR Classic Rules Tome, Advanced Player's Tome, and Mausritter,
  • Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 35 is now in stock in both print and pdf. This 44-page issue takes a look at the first level of the dungeon underneath Dry Gulch and expands on the city encounter tables found in Issue 34.

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