Which Greyhawk in D&D 2024

Which version of Greyhawk should D&D 2024 use?


I think my game is now in the 1680s. The Greyhawk Wars are history, Nyrond is an emerging superpower, the north part of the old Great Kingdom is a puritanical Pholtus-dominated republic of Andorian borrowed from Pathfinder and northern Furyondy might be moving into Fairy soonish. Everyone ought to be fearing Iuz's return after having been banished for 100 years and a day by the crook of Rao, but most people forgot, and likely Iuz will have problems with the modern armies of the restored crusader nations Shield Lands and The Horned Society. Of course satanists too can crusade against demons!

Now I'm trying to imagine GH in 1680s.

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