Which Greyhawk in D&D 2024

Which version of Greyhawk should D&D 2024 use?

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I suspect 591 myself. WotC never dumped the Greyhawk Wars so why should they start now? It would probably be best if they didn't dip into the Living Greyhawk stuff though.


I suspect 591 myself. WotC never dumped the Greyhawk Wars so why should they start now? It would probably be best if they didn't dip into the Living Greyhawk stuff though.
They dumped the Greyhawk Wars and the results completely in Ghosts of Saltmarsh. Though I am given to understand a lot of the plot hooks in the book are based on what would be in-Seeting future Living Greyhawk stuff...?
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I would either reset it to 576 CY or advance it to catch up with the Forgotten Realms. This would put Greyhawk at around 700 CY.


I think it'll receive a similar treatment as FR did with 5e - the timeline will be moved forward, but the setting feel and details will be changed to be more in line with earlier versions. I'm not talking mechanics (I fully expect dwarven wizards and tieflings to appear, and happily), but they are more likely to move things back to how they were before From the Ashes in feel.
WotC already did this in the late 2e era with the reboot of The Adventure Begins in 391. The major infusion of fiends that Iuz did in the Greyhawk wars is countered by the recovery and use of the Crook of Rao and he loses some of his imperial gains and threat to surrounding regions, The Scarlet Brotherhood looses a lot of its gains from the Greyhawk Wars, and Greyhawk overall is less an overt Dark Fantasy setting to be more similar to pre-From the Ashes and Pre-Greyhawk Wars Greyhawk. I remember the Greyhawk Player's Guide as particularly evocative of the 83 setting boxed set compared to the From the Ashes Era stuff in tone.

The 3e Gazetteer and Living Gazetteer stuff just continues the late 2e reset by advancement and is set in the same 391 year.

Ghosts of Saltmarsh reportedly being set in the older timeline is the surprising twist although it places the GoS adventures more in the 1e adventure context.

WotC already did this in the late 2e era with the reboot of The Adventure Begins in 391. The major infusion of fiends that Iuz did in the Greyhawk wars is countered by the recovery and use of the Crook of Rao and he loses some of his imperial gains and threat to surrounding regions, The Scarlet Brotherhood looses a lot of its gains from the Greyhawk Wars, and Greyhawk overall is less an overt Dark Fantasy setting to be more similar to pre-From the Ashes and Pre-Greyhawk Wars Greyhawk. I remember the Greyhawk Player's Guide as particularly evocative of the 83 setting boxed set compared to the From the Ashes Era stuff in tone.

The 3e Gazetteer and Living Gazetteer stuff just continues the late 2e reset by advancement and is set in the same 391 year.

Ghosts of Saltmarsh reportedly being set in the older timeline is the surprising twist although it places the GoS adventures more in the 1e adventure context.

Interesting. When that would have come out, I was solely running in a homebrew setting.


Interesting. When that would have come out, I was solely running in a homebrew setting.
Besides the reset the big new development for this 2e Greyhawk era for me was that Vecna had officially moved up to a recognized Greyhawk Demigod status, though an imprisoned one whose followers could only gain second level cleric spells.



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