OSR Introducing: The Mighty TBDs. A B/X adventure log.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Yes. But I like 0 KO. -1 to -3 bleeding and then dead. You get hit hard enough to go past -3 you're just dead. Ive done variations here and there. -10 or -Con bonus (in 3rd ed plus). -3 seems just right.
That's the 1E AD&D rule with the "optionally as low as -3" part included. :) Yeah, I like it.

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Reeks of Jedi
The group was down a Halfling but chose to venture out anyways with their new Bard friend who replaced the Elf.

They went back to the Goblin caves and finished off a few stragglers but poor Dimli the Dwarf was KOed they slung him over thier shoulders before declaring "This cave is clean".

chrome session GIF

They found a nice horde of treasure for all their troubles and carted it (and Dimli) back to the Keep.

The couple of days pass as the heal up and spend some gold. The Brothers of Law selling them a couple of healing potions and a scroll of healing.

The Fighter of Neutral alignment decided he wanted to visit the Lizardfolk near the river. They did not seem pleased to see interlopers. They growled and hissed and brandished their weapons without directly attacking. Fighter wanted to charge in and combat them but the others said they weren't harassing us and saw no reason to assault them. He gave over and they instead decided to see out the Hermit living in a nearby ruined tower.

The Hermit saw them coming and ducked inside his home and told them to go away. The Fighter asked if it would be okay to light his home on fire. The others again told him that would not be good as he had done nothing to them. He yelled out at them a cave nearby full of monster and if they would be nice enough to die near the entrance so he can loot thier stuff.

They entered the cave and after a long trek NE they came to some worked stone. Taking the first passage east they found a large room with a throne. The throne had 3 large Rubys embedded in it. Nearby stood 8 skeletons who did not move or attack... until they touched the throne!

The Cleric tries to turn undead but it fails so a melee erurpts! Blows are traded but the heroes win and claim the rubys.

They then try a western passage until to be jumped by zombies! The Cleric is immediately slain and soon Dimli is once again KOed. The thief is almost slain but a quick potion down her throat gets her back up.

Things look dire until the group starts lobbing flasks of burning oil at them. That combined with sword strikes and arrows finally takes them down.... and no treasure.

The group carts the cleric outside and buries her and starts heading back to the Keep. As they pass the Hermit the Fighter decides to try a different tactic and asks the Hermit if he can look inside his dwelling for 100 gold pieces. The Hermit agrees as long as it's just him.

The Fighter enters. See's it's just a ramshackle hermit home and leaves. But not before the HeIrmit hands him wooden cup with a fresh engraving that says "I went into the Hermits home and all I got was this stupid cup."

They got back to the keep. Divided the treasure and went about finding a new Cleric.

---things would be a lot more deadly if i wasn't using -3 death and have a couple of potions/scrolls for sale. I'm not sure I like the flaming oil flasks. On one had possible TPK if they didn't have them (though they could have run I suppose) but 1D8 and splash damage seems pretty good for 2 gold a pop.

Edit: Turns out I was using "Splash" to liberally. It doesn't "splash" onto adjacent squares it just means it soaks the target. So a booboo in their favor. Ill do it right next time.
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WotC President Runner-Up.
The Fighter enters. See's it's just a ramshackle hermit home and leaves. But not before the HeIrmit hands him wooden cup with a fresh engraving that says "I went into the Hermits home and all I got was this stupid cup."
Perfect. I hope the fighter's new nemesis continues to show up.

Edit: Turns out I was using "Splash" to liberally. It doesn't "splash" onto adjacent squares it just means it soaks the target. So a booboo in their favor. Ill do it right next time.
Splash damage is fun though.. Maybe give it a %chance to splash for half damage?


Reeks of Jedi
The Hireling Cleric graduated to a full fledged party member as the old clerics player decided to use her.

The Halfling now done resting rejoined the group.

Dwarf Hireling

They head back out to the undead area of the caves near the Keep.

They pass the Hermit who is now sporting a new new vest. Some shiny rhinestone boots. A silver plated spade for his garden and his hermit hut has a fresh coat of paint.

"Special deal today." He says. "Just 75 gold to look in my hut. Could be some cool stuff to see in there!"

They proceed North and eventually find a sloped passage. They use pitons to work their way up. At the top they find 4 cultists waiting for them. Spells are cast and the beefier types all run away in fear while the others get into a fight.

The remaining party keeps it a stalemate until the beefier types get over their fear and run back to turn the tide.

In a side passage that ends up in area with a sacrificial alter. Upon it are several blood covered items.

The Thief grabs on item while the Halfling grabs the other 3. Saving throws! The thief fails and is secret possessed by a demon. The Halfling passes all his saves but decides he will never part with the objects.

The group continues deeper and uncovers a secret door which leads to a richerly adorned room with a well armed and armored cleric is surprised. They attack! And Uh oh the Thief goes all Exorcist and tries to backstab the Cleric but misses!

levitating the exorcist GIF

The Evil Cleric casts Fear on them and again the beefier types run.

Now you would think an NPC with 21 AC facing off against people with +0 to hit and maybe a +2 from Str bonus would have an easy time here. Except I swear to Bahamut if it wasn't a roll of a 19 it was a nat 20.

Also didn't help that When my Evil Cleric hit he would do minimum damage :( 2D8 damage? 2 damage.

Seeing things turning to poo as the beefier types run back he swallows a potion of gaseous form to escape....

so i choose to read the potion in the book. This version of the spell is "you drop all of your gear"

What? For real? Apparently so. So woo! magic plate, magic shield, magic staff! And once they loot his room a ton of gems and coins as well.

Oh the possessed thief? Tried her hardest to kill the cleric but just couldnt land the blow. They end up dogpiling her and tying her up.

They hoof it back to the Keep and visit the lawful temple. They examine the thief and they must either return the objects or destroy them. Thats their best guess.

They also sale all their treasure except for the sacrificial stuff and make level 2! Except eh Wiz who still needs about 500xp. They earned a good 1150 xp each from treasure and monsters.

The next day with a tied up thief they go back to the alter and place the item the thief touched on it. It does nothing. The Wiz picks it up and like the Halfling doesn't wish to part with it (avoids possession though).

Well now what? 2 of the party members dont want to leave the items or destroy them. An argument ensues. Luckily everyone but the Bard is playing Neutral so his objections fall on deaf ears.

They decide to cart the Thief back to be watched by the clerics while they come up with an alternate plan that doesn't involve destroying their precious treasures.

Yas Omg GIF by O&O, Inc


As DM I'll find a way to de-possess her via a quest in the undead/cult parts of the cave. Perhaps the naked evil cleric pops back up and killing him fixes it. I'll think of something.

Voidrunner's Codex

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