OSR Introducing: The Mighty TBDs. A B/X adventure log.

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Reeks of Jedi
Finally back on the hunt.

The group has alerted some Hobgoblins who attack. The fighting is brutal and the Cleric is slain in a mighty blow (and the player wasn't here this week oops). The Elf was also knocked down but got up again thanks to a healing potion.

After looting the Hobs and checking out the room they came from they find an armory. 2 of them replace their armor with some platemail. Some take bows and ammo etc. They are then attacked by several cultists and barely survive! Human cultists here? Does this tie into the rumored cult in the sewers back at the Keep?

The Thief manages to find a secret door and they debate about checking it out now, though come to reason when the realize they have no healing and some of them are wounded. If behind that door is monsters it could spell ruin.

So they hoof it back to the keep and rest. The next day the seek to Hire a Cleric and Fighter to aid them in the caves. Luckily a Cleric and Dwarf were looking to be taken on as Hirelings and they all proceeded back to the Caves...

Which upon reentering are set upon by more Hobgoblins and their Chief! The Elf goes to fight the Chief while the others try to pick off the mooks. The Hireling Dwarf is hurt bad but still going. The Hireling Cleric is almost immediately KOed. The Elf is slain by the Chief and the Fighter steps in to keep the Chief busy. The Wizard casts sleep on the remaining mooks while the Fighter and Thief (firing arrow) takes out the Chief. The gather a ton of treasure off the bodies and decide to again hoof it back to safety and rest. Not to mention find a new party member now that they are down 1 Elf.

They soon meet a Bard (Advanced OSE has B/X style other classes) who agrees to join them on their adventures.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
If you somehow manage to get hit and your hp goes to exactly 0, I like to have it mean you are simply unconscious

Still need healing to get back up but atleast you aren’t dead.
Nice. Gary Gygax used to use that rule in his convention and one-shot games in the 2000s. And alternatively he let folks go as low as -1 HP per character level. I'm thinking about using that in my next game.


The 1e DMG page 83 death's door rule had you unconscious at 0 and taking 1 hp a round until wounds bound or death at -10. With an option for up to -3 knocked unconscious.

B/X was straightforward death at 0.


B/X Known World
The 1e DMG page 83 death's door rule had you unconscious at 0 and taking 1 hp a round until wounds bound or death at -10. With an option for up to -3 knocked unconscious.

B/X was straightforward death at 0.
That's the biggest trouble I have running older editions of D&D or clones. Keeping the actual rules for the version I'm playing separate from all the others mixed up in my head. It's easier to find the version closest to what I'm running and trying to list the various house rules...which are almost always from a different version of D&D.


Reeks of Jedi
The 1e DMG page 83 death's door rule had you unconscious at 0 and taking 1 hp a round until wounds bound or death at -10. With an option for up to -3 knocked unconscious.

B/X was straightforward death at 0.

Yes. But I like 0 KO. -1 to -3 bleeding and then dead. You get hit hard enough to go past -3 you're just dead. Ive done variations here and there. -10 or -Con bonus (in 3rd ed plus). -3 seems just right.

Voidrunner's Codex

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