Level Up (A5E) So. Permanency, the spell.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I really love this fourth draft! It seems to have a lot of reasonable checks and balances while still being very flexible!
A wizard capable of 5th level spells can grant perma-flight to all the party for the reasonable cost of 1 attunement slot each (and some money)
Or himself can be perma-invisible or perma-blurred, have a permanent unseen servant, etc

Question: what if the caster is able to cast spells from another class (like from the druid or cleric list)? Should those spells be allowed to be made permanent this way?
I would say yes...if said classes are capable of casting permanency (so artificers, clerics, and wizards).

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I really love this fourth draft! It seems to have a lot of reasonable checks and balances while still being very flexible!
A wizard capable of 5th level spells can grant perma-flight to all the party for the reasonable cost of 1 attunement slot each (and some money)
Or himself can be perma-invisible or perma-blurred, have a permanent unseen servant, etc
Yeah, that's a risk (although permanent invisibility/blurring has it's own risks). It's why I made dispelling a bit easier in this draft. But at least most people seem to be OK with permanent flight at 5th level!

Question: what if the caster is able to cast spells from another class (like from the druid or cleric list)? Should those spells be allowed to be made permanent this way?
I think so. I should probably either go back and re-include the ability to use scrolls. I didn't ban being able to cast spells from scrolls, but I didn't specifically include it. Either that or give the spell to more schools.

I think so. I should probably either go back and re-include the ability to use scrolls. I didn't ban being able to cast spells from scrolls, but I didn't specifically include it. Either that or give the spell to more schools.
Not sure if this is already a thing in LU, but 2e at a certain point had a "Universal" school that contained some spells available to everyone able to cast spells.
This one might fit snugly into such a classification IMO

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I like the new draft, but I liked the fact that top-tier caster could make an 8th level spell permanent. Cranking the spell level up preventing that feels like an unnecessary nerf to me. I think I personally preferred the third draft, especially if the change was for a perceived balance issue.

The increased cost added in the fourth draft was cool though.


Actual final draft time!

It went back to to the older way of only needing to be cast in a slot one level higher, as @Micah Sweet suggester--I went to look at the core 8th-level spells and yeah, there were a few that should have the opportunity to be made permanent. I also specified you can use this on scrolls[1]. And finally, I added an option where, if you wanted, you could include a condition that will end the permanency, thus making it useful to curse people with while still giving them an out.


[1] After rereading the description on spell scrolls, I'm now considering another oldie: read magic, that will let you read a spell scroll not of your class.


I noticed that casting the spell at 8th- or 9th-level is listed as only causing fatigue (4 levels) while the lower level costs were both strife and fatigue. Was this an oversight and it should be for both at those levels as well, or did I miss discussion for the reasoning for just fatigue somewhere?


I noticed that casting the spell at 8th- or 9th-level is listed as only causing fatigue (4 levels) while the lower level costs were both strife and fatigue. Was this an oversight and it should be for both at those levels as well, or did I miss discussion for the reasoning for just fatigue somewhere?
Oversight, most likely. Stick the strife in there.

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