Level Up (A5E) New Conditions: Agonized, Forgetful, Manic, Placid, Vexed


Well, that was fun
Staff member
So, back to the actual conditions. Mainly I'm looking at them from a balance perspective. I'm going to tone down the Placid one to remove the charm element; I'll just go with no aggressive actions.
@Morrus - Howabout Incensed for Vexed? Sounds more angry and less confused, IMO.
I went with Infuriated in the end, but that sounds more like 'annoyed' than 'rage-filled'. The effect I'm after is somebody who bursts into a violent rage with little to no provocation, perhaps due to some kind of psychosis or psychic effect. Google tells me that "intermittent explosive disorder" is a thing, but that's not a great name for a condition. Plus I don't want to veer to close to actual psychology, as this is clearly fiction.

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It feels like someone agonized would also have trouble with the mental stats too? If you just wanted physical why does it affect concentration too?

Should they have disadvantage on knowledge checks too? Casting spells?

Anyway, I kind of like this one - but the name doesn't quite hit it for me. (Mind blank? Off kilter? Bumbling?)

Manic doesn't seem like the right word. Hysterical? Convulsed? Does this mean they can't react off their turn and only get either one movement or one action on their turn?

Will this cause problems at tables when a player gets the condition.

Vexed seems an odd name to me. Can they still attack the enemies?

Trying to picture this one. Something an evil commander would use on its troops? If so, that's cool!
vexxed to me seems like a mmo condition allowing warriors and Paladins to force enemies to them like tanking in WOW or final fantasy.


So, back to the actual conditions. Mainly I'm looking at them from a balance perspective. I'm going to tone down the Placid one to remove the charm element; I'll just go with no aggressive actions.

I went with Infuriated in the end, but that sounds more like 'annoyed' than 'rage-filled'. The effect I'm after is somebody who bursts into a violent rage with little to no provocation, perhaps due to some kind of psychosis or psychic effect. Google tells me that "intermittent explosive disorder" is a thing, but that's not a great name for a condition. Plus I don't want to veer to close to actual psychology, as this is clearly fiction.
Infuriated sounds way closer to rage-filled than annoyed to me


I think Forgetful is reasonable balance-wise, depending what can inflict the condition. It could use more direct clarity.

Assuming I understand your intent:
*You cannot apply your Proficiency, Specialties, or Expertise to any Ability/Skill checks.
*You cannot communicate in, or understand, languages other than your primary language. (Would require selecting a primary language)

Placid would probably be fine with just the first point. Not allowing hostile actions gives it a partial Calm Emotions effect.
The second point seems a bit much. It's essentially a very odd Dominate effect, but since anyone can give suggestions (commands), it could lead to periods where everyone except the player could be controlling the character.


For what it's worth, I think conditions, being words you reference regularly, should be distinctive and have two or three syllables at most. By those metrics, Annoyed is shorter than Infuriated, but less distinctive, whereas Vexed is better in both regards.


For what it's worth, I think conditions, being words you reference regularly, should be distinctive and have two or three syllables at most. By those metrics, Annoyed is shorter than Infuriated, but less distinctive, whereas Vexed is better in both regards.
Vexed might be a better word, and maybe this is just an American thing, but the word “vexed” to me describes how you feel when stuck on a hard sudoku puzzle.


Very nice! I've been thinking about making some more conditions--there are a few parts in my upcoming game that need ones different from the standard.

Brainshopping these. Very much works-in-progress. They probably won't all get used. Thoughts? (Also better names are welcomed!)

  • An agonized creature has disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ability checks.
  • An agonized creature is unable to maintain concentration, and automatically fails ability checks made to do so.
  • A forgetful creature cannot use skill or tool proficiencies, or languages other than its own.
I'm not sure this one works. I have a terrible memory (really bad ADHD), but it affects my recall, not my ability to do things--my muscle memory isn't really affected. Personally, I'd say disad on Int checks to recall information. Or, if you wanted to keep it as a condition that affects skills and tools, they just lose their proficiency bonus and can't use expertise dice.

I could also see spinning this into two different conditions. One the lesser Forgetful; the other, a stronger Bewildered.

  • A manic creature is convulsed with laughter and can only take an action or a move on its turn.
I'm not entirely sure about this, although it could just be because of the name--I don't have a better name at the moment, though (at least not one that's only a single word). Actual mania has periods of extreme hyperfocus--maybe you someone with this condition also gets an expertise die on a single roll each turn? But not the same roll two turns in a row?

  • A placid creature cannot take hostile or aggressive actions.
  • A placid creature will performan non-harmful, non-aggressive actions suggested to them by others, although if given contradictory suggestions it will follow those offered by its allies.
Perhaps this also reduces move by 5-10 feet?

  • If a vexed creature can see or hear any enemies within 60 feet, it must move directly towards the closest.
  • A vexed creature has disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks.
  • A vexed creature is unaffected by the frightened condition.
This almost feels like it needs something more. Maybe they have to Press the Attack, if they're in combat?


I think it would help if you provided a descriptive example or two for each of these conditions in which they would take effect. Spell, poison, madness, etc.
Agreed. I'd be tempted to create an errata sheet for the monsters or exploration challenges to add or substitute some of these conditions. For instance:

Pixie: Add "the target is Vexed" and "the target is Manic" to the list of options under Faerie Curse.

Shadow Dragon: A creature that fails its saving throw against the dragon's breath weapon is Anguished for 1 minute (if the dragon is an Adult or Ancient) or until the end of its next turn (if the dragon is Young or a Wyrmling). An Anguished creature may make a new saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Intoxicating Brazier: A creature that breathes in the smoke is poisoned for 10 minutes, and while poisoned, is Forgetful.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Agreed. I'd be tempted to create an errata sheet for the monsters or exploration challenges to add or substitute some of these conditions. For instance:
I think that's because before I can tackle mechanics I like to be able to picture the narrative purpose/inspiration for something. But I don't think that's something OP wants to spend time on in this thread.

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