Level Up (A5E) Every Archetype in A5e AND 3PP

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I agree that this would be very useful, but it’s a super tall order for all of them! However, I’ll tell you what: I can at least respond on an individual basis to someone who wants a preview of one of these archetypes or is looking for advice as to what might fit, as I own nearly all of the material (which isn’t because I’m rolling in cash. I have a deal with certain publishers who give me free content in exchange for my statistics.)
i have a google sheet of nearly all of these with brief summaries I'd share with you if you'd like


i have a google sheet of nearly all of these with brief summaries I'd share with you if you'd like
I won’t say no! This is also generated from a Google sheet, but I haven’t bothered to include summaries. You can message me on the forum or on discord, where I’m also xiphumor


EDIT: Archived entries that are not generally available, including the Veranthea Codex, TT: Hazardous Knowledge, the Plaguebringer Sorcerer, and the Disciple class.

Voidrunner's Codex

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