Classes and Classifications: The Berserker

PJ Coffey

PJ Coffey (they/them)
I guess it really depends on the adventure and pertinent enemies- multiple casters are not something I think to include in most of my encounters

I certainly wouldn't hit the berserkers with non s/b/p damage every fight! That would be terrible GMing right? Completely invalidate the player agency and character choice!

But Magic items are available for money and as part of hordes. I don't see the need for dedicated mages when an NPC with a scroll is cult enough.😉

As far as non physical damage, unfortunately due to A5E providing resistances with both heritage and culture these same players often seek to shore up weaknesses by starting out with resistances to common damage types. And yeah Tempest isn't helping matters by giving two more resistances ;)

I do appreciate your thoughts on the matter, and it's a fine article!

Thanks! Nice to have someone engage with the thinking and purpose. 😀

You do have a point! By level 6 a planetouched berserker from the tyrannised culture could be resistant to poison, fire, slashing, bludgeoning, piercing, thunder and lightning! That is an impressive list.

Of course, by level 3, a bear totem barbarian is resistant to all of those and cold, acid, necromantic, radiant, and Force damage and with the Vedalken heritage would also be resistant to psychic as well.

I will tend to push back against the "A5e is overpowered" claims because they always seem to neglect the things removed, e.g. reckless attack and bonus rage damage. 🤔 If anything A5e characters are more limited in ways to gain damage compared to the standard 5e builds with sharpshooter gated at level 8 and great weapon damage being always at disadvantage rather than a -5 which reckless attack easily overcame.

But it's been two years. None of this is news surely? 😀

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