D&D Player’s Handbook (2024)

D&D (2024) D&D Player’s Handbook (2024)


Not complaining about the price just people dismissing concerns over the price. It's cheap for middle class Americans who use Amazon.

In 90s mum fed some of my players. 20 years ago I fed some of my players. One guy had $6 for the week.

Any affordability issues are going to be relative to other things people choose to spend money on. D&D is relatively cheap compared to other forms of group leisure time entertainment. It is, of course, still a luxury item that some people cannot afford. Not sure what else there is to say.

However I don't think this is the appropriate forum or thread for that topic. This is supposed to be discussions related to the new PHB. If you want to continue to discuss this can you at least start a different thread?

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Ok. Fixed my comment to thumbs up then.
Although I do disagree partly.

I can play my 35 year old GameBoy games (like tetris) just fine today. I had more problems playing AD&D today.
Don't get me wrong...I love OG Super Mario Bros., but a lot of older games, particularly early 3D games, are hard to access to younger players in a way that older TTRPGs just aren't.


Not having seen the cover yet, we honestly don't know that they're not going to slap the big gold 50th Anniversary logo on the cover. IF they choose to do that, we can all call it (My long-time favorite contender for the title: D&D50.

(We can even get rid of the E if they're finally off the Edition bandwagon).

I kinda doubt there will be any massive 50th anniversary branding on the main 3 books. WotC is going to want this PHB to last for a long time, and the 50th anniversary will seem kinda dated in 2030.

There might still be a limited run of 50th anniversary books with alternate covers.


I kinda doubt there will be any massive 50th anniversary branding on the main 3 books. WotC is going to want this PHB to last for a long time, and the 50th anniversary will seem kinda dated in 2030.

There might still be a limited run of 50th anniversary books with alternate covers.
Maybe. I'm not sure I agree. I mean, they could easily drop the stamp from later printings without changing anything else.

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