D&D 5E Players, would you play in a multi-year campaign that used only the 5.1 SRD?

Would you play in a multi-year campaign that only used the 5.1 SRD?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 80 67.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 39 32.8%

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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Takes me a week.

Have to assemble the appropriate vibes, change my mind a few times, angst about the name for days, etc.
I used to spend a lot of time crafting the perfect PC, but quickly learned that it suffered from my "nice things" curse. If I buy a nice pen, I lose it in a day, whereas I've had cheap hotel pens for years. If I spend a lot of time on a character, its going to die in the first few sessions, whereas some goofy, suboptimal, D&D Beyond randomly generated character will survive the campaign.

Not sure which deity I've pissed off, but this is a remarkably predictable pattern in my life.

No. If I wanted a simple system with few options, I'd go for one that is fundamentally better designed from the get go. The attraction of D&D itself is options. No options? No fun.

I don't feel like D&D is well enough designed to function well long term with few options.


If this is a 5e game, you lot are cracking fast at rolling up new characters! In a BX or 1e game I could see this, but a WotC edition? That's impressive.

We use DND Beyond which makes it a lot quicker. Also if we have to make a character in the middle of the session the DM lets us adjust it between games. Not major changes, but maybe if we decide to get different spells or make minor adjustments to abilities between the session we needed to fast build it and the next session.

Personally I also have a sheet with a bunch of character ideas on it. Currently it has 19 different builds on it, so I just pull one of those off the shelf that fits the game I am in.

I think the core of the question is whether you are willing to play with limited options. Are the multitude of character options what makes the game fun? For me, that can add to the fun, but it's not the most important thing. I'm more interested in the setting and the plot, and I can make my character interesting through their personality.


Follower of the Way
Because he’s a dragon?
Because he's a dragon and a Lawful Good god who particularly loves Paladins and do-goodery of all stripes.

Dragons are by far my favorite mythic creature, and Paladin-like stuff is in general my favorite class/aesthetic. Getting both in one package is very nearly everything I could ask for. (I also like "rune" magic type stuff, so if there were some way to squeeze that in...)

Hmmm...now you have me thinking...perhaps a new thread will be forthcoming...

Voidrunner's Codex

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