Level Up (A5E) ENterplanetary DimENsions: Plentiful Plantasia

Today’s ENterplanetary DimENsions entry wants you to be one with nature. After all, everyone who stays in the verdant realm ultimately becomes an extension of the living plane of Plentiful Plantasia!

Today’s ENterplanetary DimENsions entry wants you to be one with nature. After all, everyone who stays in the verdant realm ultimately becomes an extension of the living plane of Plentiful Plantasia!

Plantasia Level Up DnD 5E Banner shrunk.jpg

The realm of Plantasia is overabundant with flora, its flowered fields as tall as an ogre and its forest trails barely visible beneath a carpet of growth that seems to touch every bit of earth. One might expect this vegetative phenomenon to have disastrous consequences on native fauna—yet nature is forever in agreement in this place, each plant receiving enough space, water, and sunlight to flourish without choking out the vital resources of its neighbors. This miraculous balance is because the dimension is itself a living, thinking thing, subtly guiding its denizens to tend to it to spread the green as far as it can possibly go.

All things natural to this verdant plane are plants as are visitors that stay too long, Plantasia’s nature permanently transforming them to become vegetal. There is no lack of free will to the people that are one with this realm, and nearly all cherish the subtle, special bond they share with each other and their home. When a crisis arises those nearest band together to face it, and when it’s known that help is needed they call out to the green for aid in a message that resonates across dimensions. Druids, rangers, and others devoted to nature often hear this plea and find their way to Plantasia only never to leave it, whether their quest ends in triumph or failure.

Planar Traits. Plantasia has the following planar traits and the Narrator should make use of the heavy precipitation, miring ground, poisonous plants, and rushing liquid encounter elements. When it is possible to do so, noticing one of these encounter elements before it is too close to avoid requires a DC 14 Nature check.

Chloroformed Critters

There are beasts and other carnivorous creatures in Plantasia like anywhere else, but none prey on each other for very long. Gradually the hunger for flesh abates and their violent impulses are turned to fiercely fight off trespassers on their territory; few as those tend to be. Their animal-plant root systems draw nutrients from great distances away and unconnected visitors often find themselves ambushed by a predator they had no idea lurked anywhere nearby.

Classed Chloroforming

Proximity to Plantasia itself changes a creature, and explorers that make a DC 20 Arcana check realize that only by remaining airborne can they avoid the dimension's transformative nature (the savviest make sure to travel aboard an air vehicle). The helpful and welcoming attitudes of this plane’s denizens tend to put any unwariness to rest however as they genuinely encourage visitors to stay, offering free Supply and frequently speaking on the most blissful aspects of their lives.

Plant Transformation

After remaining in contact with Plantasia for a number of long rests equal to its hit dice, a creature undergoes a phase of Plant Transformation. The nature of its two initial phases of transformation are determined by its class (as per Table: Plant Transformation). A creature with levels in more than one class uses the class with the most levels (or if none are higher, chosen by the creature). The nature of how Plant Transformation changes a creature’s appearance during the first or second phase, if it all, is at the discretion of the Narrator. The third phase of Plant Transformation grants the Plant-Like trait.

Plant-Like. For the purposes of features, spells, and traits, the creature counts as both a plant and its normal type. The creature’s AC increases by an amount equal to half its proficiency bonus as its skin becomes like bark and leaves grow out of its body. When the creature has access to sunlight, water, and a patch of earth equal to its size it can root itself instead of consuming Supply over the course of a long rest. While rooted the creature is restrained, requiring an action to unroot itself.
These gifts are not without cost however as the creature reduces its Speed by 10 feet (minimum Speed 5 feet), becomes vulnerable to fire damage, requires an action and bonus action to cast a spell with vocalized components that usually only requires an action, and must spend 1 additional exertion when activating a combat maneuver. In addition, 24 hours after the creature dies its body crumbles into pollen.

Regressing the Change

Once a creature is transformed by the verdant realm powerful magic is required to reverse its fate. A creature that has undergone Plant Transformation can regress from second phase to first phase with a casting of greater restoration, or a cure itself from first phase with a casting of lesser restoration. Only the wish spell is able to remove the effects of the third phase of Plant Transformation from a creature.

Table: Plant Transformation
ClassFirst PhaseSecond Phase
AdeptYour martial arts die increases by one step (maximum 2d6).You learn an additional Focus Feature.
BardYou gain the Art Specialty (Percussion) feature (or another Art Specialty if you already have it).You learn an additional Adventuring Trick.
BerserkerYou learn a combat tradition and an additional combat maneuver from it.Your hit point maximum increases by 1 per hit die, and whenever you gain a level your hit point maximum increases by 1.
ClericYou gain proficiency in Intelligence saving throws or Charisma saving throws.You learn an additional Sign of Faith.
DruidYou learn an additional Secret of Nature.You gain telepathy out to a range of 30 feet. You can telepathically communicate with one creature you can see. If you already have telepathy, its range increases by 30 feet.
FighterYou learn a combat tradition and an additional combat maneuver from it.You learn an additional Soldiering Knack, and you gain proficiency with a rare weapon of your choice.
HeraldYou learn a combat tradition and an additional combat maneuver from it.You learn an additional Divine Lesson.
MarshalYou learn an additional Lesson of War.You gain telepathy out to a range of 30 feet. You can telepathically communicate with one creature you can see so long as that creature knows at least one language. If you already have telepathy, its range increases by 30 feet.
OtherYour hit point maximum increases by 1 per hit die, and whenever you gain a level your hit point maximum increases by 1.Your weapon attacks are magical. In addition, you gain proficiency in Strength and Constitution saving throws.
RangerYou learn an additional Exploration Knack.You gain telepathy out to a range of 30 feet. You can telepathically communicate with one creature you can see. If you already have telepathy, its range increases by 30 feet.
RogueYou gain a second option of your choice from the Combat Tactic feature.You learn a combat tradition and an additional combat maneuver from it. In addition, you gain proficiency with a rare weapon of your choice.
SorcererYour maximum number of sorcery points increases by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus.You learn an additional Arcane Innovation.
WarlockYou learn an additional Secret of Arcana.Spells from a patron expanded spell list require 1 less spell point to cast using Pact Magic.
WizardYou gain proficiency in 3 lore skills (Arcana, Culture, Engineering, History, Nature, Religion). Instead of gaining proficiency in a lore skill, you may instead gain 2 skill specialties in lore skills.
You learn the find familiar spell if you didn’t already know it, and when casting it you can choose to summon an awakened shrub or awakened tree.

Harmonic Hivemind

A presence extends across the entirety of Plantasia, a consciousness shared between all of its plants—whether a blade of grass, walking tender of the fields, or an enormous tree towering over the landscape—that balances the forces of the environment to always work in tandem. The verdant realm does not communicate with itself instantly however, acting with only slightly greater alacrity than it does growing (a conversation that should take a minute in spoken words can take as long as a day to be communicated from one mind in Plantasia to another).

Living Land

When a creature fully transformed by the verdant realm dies its body rapidly decomposes, changing into pollen that drifts across winds gradually maneuvered by the landscape into carefully laid paths. These planned airways allow Plantasia to intelligently terraform itself, distributing seeds in a measured fashion ensuring they reach the ideal place to flourish. As a result the dimension is abundant with flora, and any features or traits used to find Supply locate twice as much Supply as normal.

Pious Planters

The people of Plantasia pay deep reverence to nature regardless of the strength of their bond to the dimension, and only the foulest actors (often hidden aloft amidst the clouds) refuse to recognize the bliss of this connection. Every seed is carefully planted in a location guided by the verdant realm’s will and gently tended to until it has flourished, becoming a source of enormous pride for its direct caretaker (when there is one). The unnecessary death of any plant is mourned for at least a moment but usually it is part of the cycle of life (albeit unusually tuned) and therefore a natural occurrence to be celebrated like any other.

So it is that despoilers of nature are truly reviled—and of those there are many, drawn to the dimension by the resounding primordial power for their own nefarious purposes. Powerful arcane spellcasters (excepting those devoted to nature like ecomancy wizards) are met with great suspicion by Plantasia’s peoples, as are artificers and warlocks of any experience. Divine spellcasters of evil faiths are also regarded with apprehension, though they often know better than to cross a force as potent as nature. Conversely those most in tune with life are especially welcomed and respected.

Natural Prestige Centers

When entering into Plantasia, an adept, druid, Green Knight herald, or ranger (or any other nature-oriented adventurer the Narrator deems appropriate) may immediately change their Prestige Center to any location known to it in the dimension. The chosen location remains as their Prestige Center until they leave Plantasia, at which point it reverts to its previous location.

Plant Portals

When danger greater than what its peoples can contend rears in the verdant realm it calls out to servants of nature for aid, beseeching druids and rangers in particular. Those who answer the needs of Plantasia are offered passage there through a verdant gate, though how simple their exit from the plane is depends on the success of their quest and whether or not they are embraced by the locals. Typically a sortie of well-wishers awaits on the other side of one of these portals, laden with gifts (usually medicinal items) to help new arrivals with the task that waits before them, though in the most dire situations they carry enchanted relics meant to assist as well—the more dangerous the trials ahead, the more potent their offerings.

Verdant Gate

Once a call for aid in Plantasia has been accepted the verdant realm sends a root to the dimension to acquire those who answered it, creating a planar doorway that only opens for its intended recipients. These verdant gates always appear in sacred places of nature—ancient trees, blessed waterways, unique rock formations—and only operate in the direction headed towards Plantasia. Any creatures a verdant gate is created for innately know the general locale of where it is located, but must prove themselves before it will open. Sometimes this can be as simple as succeeding on a Nature check (DC 10 + 1d6), but it often requires routing a force against nature or accomplishing an important task that helps the local environment in some way. When a verdant gate is found and activated it remains open for 1d4 minutes during which any creature can enter into it. At the end of each minute a verdant gate is open the Narrator rolls 1d20 + 1 per previous roll. On a result of 20 or higher a despoiler of nature waiting for one of these portals suddenly appears, rolling initiative and using its turns to move through the verdant gate as soon as possible.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

I knew Swamp Thing was all about the Green but never realized they made it into a whole place! Very cool. :cool:
DC Comics has a number of 'elemental' planes in addition to the Green in it's cosmology.


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