Pathfinder 2E Swashbuckler, Remastered (a preview)

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario


Small Ball Archmage
Don't you mean "Groovy"? ;)

Also interesting that "Bravado" stuff can give you Panache on a failure, but only until the end of the next turn, which is an interesting way of doing it. Makes it way more difficult for a Swashbuckler to not have access to their class feature, but pushes them to use it then and there.
It's actually kind of interesting in that most Swashbucklers I've seen played or discussed only hold off on popping their finisher until the next time they get the chance to do so without MAP, so for them that failure state is functionally identical, I'm not sure how the numbers actually work out on holding Panache, especially when you factor in AoO or the class feature riposte.

It's actually kind of interesting in that most Swashbucklers I've seen played or discussed only hold off on popping their finisher until the next time they get the chance to do so without MAP, so for them that failure state is functionally identical, I'm not sure how the numbers actually work out on holding Panache, especially when you factor in AoO or the class feature riposte.
If they expect to use a reaction, I suspect they'd hold it until next turn, then try to re-up panache (with a bonus) and if that doesn't work - finisher before panache goes away.

But if the enemy is close enough, finisher every turn becomes possible for most swashbucklers now.

It's actually kind of interesting in that most Swashbucklers I've seen played or discussed only hold off on popping their finisher until the next time they get the chance to do so without MAP, so for them that failure state is functionally identical, I'm not sure how the numbers actually work out on holding Panache, especially when you factor in AoO or the class feature riposte.

I do wonder if they are going to give people more reason to hold on to it a bit longer, so you'd actually want to have the passive effect rather than always spend it immediately on the finisher.

Voidrunner's Codex

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