Decipher Star Trek RPG news wanted


Is anyone familiar with this game? I've seen it my FLGS, and I'm really interested in ST right now (pending the June release of Prime Directive d20). I though I read recently that support for it is going away. Anyone have any experiences or news?

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Hoo boy, this is an odd question to try and answer.

First up, if you want the closest thing to inside news on this system (and Star Trek gaming in general), I highly recommend going over to this website:

It's probably the best Trek gaming forum going.

Decipher's version of Trek came out of the blocks pretty quickly, though expensively, even by most gaming standards, but then went swiftly from flood to drip. They have not put anything out for about a year now, though there have been very low, unconfirmed (as far as I can tell) rumours that they are planning a "reboot" of the whole series in about a year's time.

The system works fairly well and easily, but the books sure don't give you a lot of clues that way. In fact, the books are so badly written that I nearly tore what little hair I have left out trying to figure out the character generation system. Luckly Trek-RPG has some great documents to help you decode the CODA system.

Good luck with it. Like I say -- good system, poorly written, lackluster support (especially for Enterprise), possble 2.0 in the works very far down the pike.

Ranger REG

Wombat said:
Good luck with it. Like I say -- good system, poorly written, lackluster support (especially for Enterprise), possble 2.0 in the works very far down the pike.
"Poorly written"? I doubt Don Mappin would agree with you. ;)


First Post
Ranger REG said:
"Poorly written"? I doubt Don Mappin would agree with you. ;)

True :cool:

But I still defy anyone to say that the character generation system is well explained, as it is presented in the book ;)


First Post
As i understand it, Decipher officially killed the LotR RPG line, has fired all their RPG staff, but has not officially announced the death of Star Trek RPG--they've just failed to produce any products for well over a year, including several that're well over a year late, not solicited any new products to distributors, and stopped marketing the game. I heard that the game was officially dead, but i heard it from a [reliable] retailer, so i don't know how reliable that info is.

In any case, it's pretty clear that the Star Trek RPG line has been killed twice now with a finished manuscript for the mirror universe supplement more-or-less ready to go, and several months overdue. I've been waiting 13+ years for that supplement (ever since the ad in the back of the ST: DS9 RPG from LUG). Would it be too much to ask for whoever develops the next 'Trek RPG to *start* with the mirror universe book, and *then* publish other things (like the core book)?

Ranger REG

You want a mirror universe book? I want a Klingon book since FASA. ;)

BTW, I don't think Decipher would outright terminate employment, but rather coerced them to resign, and resigned they did. The former LUG folks were tired of Decipher executive management's negligence whose goal is to one-up WotC.
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Lars Porsenna

First Post
Would it be too much to ask that the next company that does Trek RPG manage to keep the rights and actually release product?

There was this wild rumor going around a while ago that Mongoose would get the property...I think they would do well for the game.



First Post
Mongoose secured the rights to Decipher's WARS property to produce as an RPG. Decipher has stated that they will be releasing new Lord of the Rings RPG books (basically those that they had in the development cycle already) in 2005. As for Star Trek, Decipher was set to announce the same thing, that they were going to release the rest of the books that were in development during 2005. However, the sale of Viacom/Paramount meant that the licensing contract had to be renegotiated completely from scratch. This is where things stand now. They are still in license negotiations. Once that is resolved, hopefully we'll see a more formal announcement from Decipher with an actual timetable of releases.


First Post
Ghostwind said:
Mongoose secured the rights to Decipher's WARS property to produce as an RPG. Decipher has stated that they will be releasing new Lord of the Rings RPG books (basically those that they had in the development cycle already) in 2005. As for Star Trek, Decipher was set to announce the same thing, that they were going to release the rest of the books that were in development during 2005. However, the sale of Viacom/Paramount meant that the licensing contract had to be renegotiated completely from scratch. This is where things stand now. They are still in license negotiations. Once that is resolved, hopefully we'll see a more formal announcement from Decipher with an actual timetable of releases.

woohoo! i might finally get my Mirror Universe book! [Not that i'm holding my breath.]


Ranger REG said:
You want a mirror universe book? I want a Klingon book since FASA. ;)

I'm pretty sure FASA did a Klingon book. I think I own it.

It was based heavily on John M. Ford's "Final Reflection" novel & sequel, but that's a good thing. I actually a lot of that version of Klingon society more than the Official (TM) stuff that was developed later.

Voidrunner's Codex

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