12 months of holiday adventures: How would you do it?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
As a thought experiment: If you were to run 12 months of holiday adventures, what holidays would you use and what kind of adventures/stories would you tell?

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Different deity, constellation, every month. With impacts to magic and other things depending on the month.
Boy, once you get the Zodiac in the mix -- real world or Sky of Many Things -- that definitely opens things up, especially for months like August, which are light on fun real world holidays.


B/X Known World
Independence from Britain as the theme. Somewhere on Earth there’s a country celebrating independence from Britain every six days. More than enough to fill the year. Just run a normal campaign where the PCs are freedom fighters constantly pushing back a colonizing empire.


In real time. Every month we would run a session based on that months holidays. For an American setting this might be New Years/Valentine's/St Patrick's Day (for lack of any day more famous in the USA in March)/Easter/Mother's Day/Father's Day/Independence Day/no idea for August (Lammas is too obscure here)/Labor Day/Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas.


A suffusion of yellow
I've already run a campaign structured around the Celtic Festivals

January 31 Là Fhèill Brìghde - the return of Brìghde, signaling the end of winter.
February 1 Imbolc - Spring lambing blessing
March Alban Eilir Vernal Equinox
April Beltaine - Summer Festival
May May Day dance.
June Alban Hefin Summer Solstice
July to August 1 Lughnasadh - Harvest Games
September Alban Elfed Autumn Equinox
October 31 to November 1 Samhain - End of Harvest Feast (Day of the Dead)
December Alban Arthan Winter Solstice


You could take the Forgotten Realms calendar and use that. I could see a lot of overlap with our holidays and theirs such as spring and winter equinoxes and midsummer such and such.


Staff member
Depends, TBH. For something set in our world from past to relatively near future, I’d use RW holidays. Which ones I picked would be contingent upon what kind of game I was running. Some holidays might have a bit of drift to their meanings in future times.

The further into the unenforceable future a RW-based game goes, the more drift there might be, with some getting changed over time, or possibly even new ones being created as the campaign needed. I could easily see a sci-fi campaign based on Logan’s Run in which Easter and “Carousel” became conflated, in which potential celebrants spent Lent cleansing themselves. (Bonus points if you’re doing this in Paranoia!)

For anything other than that, I’d introduce holidays unique to the campaign/setting. Some might even be created by the actions of the party. We did that in one campaign: the party collected blood from villagers for baiting a trap for the two predators that had been plaguing them for months. The plan worked, and “The Festival of Bloodletting” (or some such) was created!
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