Name OAR desires from sources other than TSR?

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Moderator Emeritus
Maybe some of the Mayfair Games ROLE AIDS?



Would cosign on the other Judges Guild materials. At this point, I think the best case scenario for the future of Judges Guild would be to just hand it over to Goodman Games. The current owners are 1 - extremely problematic and 2 - seemingly incapable of putting out any products on their own.

Pacesetter Games currently has the rights, but I'd love to see an OAR of The Dwarven Glory or Palace of the Vampire Queen.


How inconvenient
I'm not familiar with this OAR series, so with the caveats that GG leaves most of the adventure, plot, and NPCs intact and that I haven't said this if they don't, I'd say that people would be well-served if they did an anthology of some of the best scenarios that appeared in the White Dwarf magazines of yore. The Halls of Tizun Thane, The Lichway, Lair of Maldred the Mighty, and Trouble at Embertrees come to mind.

I'd say that people would be well-served if they did an anthology of some of the best scenarios that appeared in the White Dwarf magazines of yore. The Halls of Tizun Thane, The Lichway, Lair of Maldred the Mighty, and Trouble at Embertrees come to mind.

I had similar thoughts along these lines. Digging in to the adventures of some of the old non-TSR gaming magazines. The rights issues may be a bit tangled in some cases though.


If the wish list includes old TSR modules, I would love to see a homage and 5e update to Maure Castle. In particular, an update and expansion of the levels presented in Dungeon Magazine.


Voidrunner's Codex

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