GMs: What Could You Use Right Now To make Your Life Easier/Better?


I would like better discovery for DM resources. There is a lot of good third-party content. But searching it/reading it to find the elements I want to reuse or recycle is very time consuming. I have mostly relied on Ap for material but I am experimenting with more episodic formats and I am, despite my age not familiar with classic modules. Not particularly good with making stuff up from the whole cloth.
Starting to experiment with AI but I really need to actually read and review some of the stuff I have downloaded over the years and organise it in a useful way.

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Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever been content in the hobby. I've always been chasing some ideal system, group, adventure module, etc. Chasing that perfection has drained so much of my enjoyment from the game.
I came here to post a list of things that I thought would fix the game for me. But I think what I need is to stop chasing an ideal, to stop searching for perfection, and to enjoy the time I spend playing these games - even though they aren't perfect.
There is nothing more crippling in any activity than holding oneself to impossible standards.

I'm contemplating running a bit of DCC for a while now and it would be quite helpful to have a web-based tool for easy access to all spell and crit tables. With German text.
The latter is a general thing: it would be great if there were language packs for premium content modules for Foundry (base games are luckily translated by the maintainers in many cases). Not sure if the main problem here is resources on the side of the German publishers or a lack of infrastructure on the Foundry side.


A better system to organize all my homebrew content. I use Notion, and it works pretty well but I built it from scratch, including the database functionality for filtering...and i feel that if I had a Template structure that was really optimizing for worldbuilding and roleplaying session, I would be better organized. Or maybe a tool that was like Notion but specialized for Worldbuilding that didn't require...a subscription.

I used to play in person, then COVID hit and also one of my home team players moved kind of far away so moving online was the only way to go. Now I wouldn't change it for anything. None of my players need to drive an hour to get to my house or slog through the heavy Chicago snow in winter. Plus, I have beautiful maps ready to go at my fingertips in my VTT. The line-of-site functionality is immersive and fun. Sure, if I had $20,000 to blow on a custom table with built in monitor to put minis on...that would be pretty cool. But it would gather dust now that we don't live as close to each other. Our group is very happy online. At this very moment, i wish summer schedules were more open. I get really jittery when we don't play weekly.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
I'm contemplating running a bit of DCC for a while now and it would be quite helpful to have a web-based tool for easy access to all spell and crit tables. With German text.
The latter is a general thing: it would be great if there were language packs for premium content modules for Foundry (base games are luckily translated by the maintainers in many cases). Not sure if the main problem here is resources on the side of the German publishers or a lack of infrastructure on the Foundry side.
If the "with german text" part is necessary, I don't have anything for you.
But if english is fine, then:
The Crawler's Companion HTML good tool, works on mobile as well :)

If the "with german text" part is necessary, I don't have anything for you.
Unfortunately it is. Using an English tool would effectively mandate also switching to the English rules, which is something I'm trying to avoid (the German translation is actually pretty good).
Still, Purple Sorcerer is a great tool for all those who are fine with English.

What I'd really like is someone who can read books on history, culture and religion in multiple languages, starting with Japanese, Mandarin, and Sanskrit, and fish out the gameable details.


What I'd really like is someone who can read books on history, culture and religion in multiple languages, starting with Japanese, Mandarin, and Sanskrit, and fish out the gameable details.
I expect you will get this sooner than you think, except the "someone" is a LLM. In fact, you can do it now with, but only in English as far as I know.

Voidrunner's Codex

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