RPG Sales of 2024


The EN World kitten
Today's deal of the day is Ondine Publishing's Parsantium: City at the Crossroads, which is 60% off!

Parsantium: City at the Crossroads is a city sourcebook for use with all editions of the world’s bestselling fantasy RPGs.

Parsantium is a melting pot, a cosmopolitan city where trade routes meet and great cultures collide. Inspired by real-life Byzantium with its rich Greco-Roman heritage, Parsantium is packed with characters, monsters and magic from the Tales of the Arabian Nights, ancient India and the Far East, alongside traditional medieval fantasy elements.

Featuring evil cults and exotic gods, unscrupulous politicians and nobles, scheming rakshasas and serpentfolk, ancient dungeons buried beneath the city streets, powerful criminal gangs, gladiators and chariot racing, Parsantium contains enough adventure hooks and adversaries to keep your player characters busy throughout their careers, without having to step outside the city walls.

The Parsantium city sourcebook contains:
  • 2,000 years of history
  • 17 character backgrounds for new PCs
  • Over 70 detailed city locations
  • Over 200 NPC descriptions
  • 50 power groups, guilds and noble families
  • 35 deities
Compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Parsantium: City at the Crossroads contains minimal game stats, making it easy to use with whatever edition you are playing. Parsantium can be readily incorporated into your own campaign world or published fantasy setting.

Written by Richard Green, author of Empire of the Ghouls and Midgard Worldbook (Kobold Press), and featuring cover art by Joe Shawcross, brand new interior art by Matt Morrow and Marc Radle, and a double page map of the city by ENnie Award winning cartographer Jonathan Roberts.

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The EN World kitten
Today's deal of the day is Wet Ink Games' Heckin' Good Doggos, which is marked down to just $4.00 for the next twenty-four hours!

Heckin’ Good Doggos is a family friendly, all ages role-playing game where the players take on the roles of humankind’s best friends: The dog! It is a game of "Dogs doin' Dog Stuff" that focuses on the kinds of stories and adventures dogs can get into such as:
  • Finding their favorite treats.
  • Barking at that squirrel up in the tree.
  • Finding their human Best Friend who has gone missing.
  • Banishing an ancient spirit that threatens the neighborhood.
  • Scavenging for supplies in a futuristic wasteland.
  • And so much more!
Heckin’ Good Doggos is a game of make believe where players can experience the world from an animal’s point of view. Some things will seem familiar, like protecting their backyard from potential threats and protecting their owners, while others are purely fantastic and whimsical situations they find themselves in like helping a ghost resolve its business so it can leave this world. It is simultaneously serious and silly, with an emphasis on crafting scenarios that make players have a blast while also having to solve the many challenges they will experience in ways that only doggos can.

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The EN World kitten
From now until 10 AM EDT this Sunday, you can get Tales from Trea's Realms, Regions & Rulers for 50% off!

Realms, Regions & Rulers provides a step-by-step system of generating interesting and unique fantasy realms that range from tyrannical Empires to peaceful magoocracies governed by wise wizards.
This document contains
  • A detailed system to generate Monarchies, Theocracies, Magocracies, Kleptocracies, Militocracies and Free States.
  • A simple yet effective system that simulates a fantasy realm's economy with a resource system and scarcity table.
  • A list of tables to generate settlements, environmental regions, culture, laws and the personalities of Kings, Queens, Emperors, Divine Chosen Hierarchs, Kleptocrats, Diplomats and countless more!
  • A system of generating a fantasy realm's Coat of Arms.

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The EN World kitten
From now through the end of the month, Lightpress Media is having a "Greedflation Negation" sale, marking almost all of their products down to just $3.00 each!

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The EN World kitten
For the next five days, you can pick up Immersive Adventuring's 5E adventure A Titan's Dream for 50% off!

A Titan's Dream is a level 3 D&D 5e adventure that invites your party to a conflict between three mountain tribes that are competing for a dreaming Titan’s power.

The image below showcases the content of this adventure pack, which includes:
  • 60 detailed encounters (tied into one of 4 quests to choose from),
  • 15 fleshed-out NPC cards with portraits,
  • 1 large handmade regional map, split into 10 hex maps,
  • 20 landscape images depicting select locations,
  • 6 boons (3 major, 3 minor),
  • An interactive PDF that ties everything into an accessible whole, promoting high readability and navigation.

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The EN World kitten
Azukail Games has marked their system-neutral sourcebook World's Oldest Profession: 100 Courtesans and Concubines 25% off for the next week! Click on the link to apply the discount.

Prostitution is a facet of fantasy RPGs that go all the way back to some of the earliest books released for Dungeons and Dragons. While there has been controversy surrounding sex workers in the game, most will acknowledge they are an obvious aspect of most worlds where adventurers are looking to carouse the night away after surviving their last quest. And whether your setting has a brothel in every town worth the name, cults dedicated to various gods and goddesses of love or merely taverns and inns where doxies tend to gather in search of a client for a night, this supplement is full of unique practitioners of the world's oldest profession.

These NPCs can be used for far more than just set dressing, however. Many of them come with small mysteries attached to them that can be used as plot points, or they might be individuals learned in the magic arts in addition to their usual profession. They may have heard rumors in the sheets that could help adventurers uncover the truth of a conspiracy, or they might even be former warriors, crusaders and more who have taken up a new trade. Many of them may still remember their old trade well enough, and they might teach younger adventurers the things they need to know, or even take up the sword and the spell one last time to help out the party. How you use these characters is up to you!

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The EN World kitten
Wayward Rogue Publishing is offering their new SCP-inspired 5E supplement, Mithril Lake Encounters 2, for just $0.75 for this week only! Click on the link to apply the discount.

An Anomalous Encounter featured in the upcoming Mithril Lake Campaign Setting for 5E. Based on material from the SCP Foundation.

I seek the revelations of all that the holy told to the unwise in the dreams of cold embers in sunlight that fade across lakes of black blood and snakes that eat the loaves of children from lamb trees in autumn.

So says the strange hostile creature before you as it charges you.

Can you defeat the HEART OF DARKNESS?

Can your mind withstand the horrors it utters to you?

The Mithril Lake Player Primer is also available as a PWYW download.

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The EN World kitten
Columbia Games has made Larani: Order of the Lady of Paladins, a system-agnostic supplement for the HârnWorld RPG, 50% off! Click on the link to apply the discount.

Loyalty, martial prowess, and chivalry are the hallmarks of the Order of the Lady of Paladins. The older of the two Laranian fighting orders on Hârn, its knights and men-at-arms defend temples, pilgrims, and clergy east of Lake Benath. The order holds manors in Kaldor, Chybisa, and Melderyn and is a political and military force in each.

This article describes the order's origins and history, current situation, politics, customs, code of behavior, and primary holdings. Also included are guidelines for generating PCs who are members of the order.

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