D&D 4E 4e Poachable Powers List: A list of good powers to poach from other classes


Added Indomitable Presence, Battlemind 19, to stat-less - effect is damage against anyone who hits you, no range or action, not turn limited.

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Not that it really matters this late in the game, but I believe Mass Charm (Wizard ) should be at least blue if not sky blue.

Slide 5 is pretty good by itself for re-positioning.

Forcing an MBA is great. Monsters have strong MBAs, many with riders attached. Also, if you're willing to cheese for a round, you can temporarily treat your fellow PCs as enemies so you can slide them and "force" them to MBA as well.

Selecting the targets is great. You can force a marked monster to MBA another monster triggering the mark punishment.


Added or noted powers usable with Wands. If you do a search for 'W)' on the 1st page, they'll all show up - control-F on Windows, command-F on Mac.

They're kind of in a weird rarity space - clearly 'Common' by PHB because they can be explicitly crafted per PHB, but not explicitly made Common, so technically Uncommon.


Follower of the Way
I'm surprised to see Sudden Scales rated so low--I expected dark blue at least. +4 to all defenses as an interrupt 1/enc is Pretty Good, and certainly seems like it should be a tier above Shield (identical effect, but only Ref/AC, vs. SS's all defenses). Somehow I thought there was a Sorcerer MC feat that gave the Dragon Magic class feature, which makes Sudden Scales legit amazing for high-Str chars, but it seems that was a trick of memory!


Arcadian Knight
I sometimes wonder if power analysis like this and the others could be used to cull back or adjust the system to a cleaner core.... could we turn black powers blue?


I'm surprised to see Sudden Scales rated so low--I expected dark blue at least. +4 to all defenses as an interrupt 1/enc is Pretty Good, and certainly seems like it should be a tier above Shield (identical effect, but only Ref/AC, vs. SS's all defenses). Somehow I thought there was a Sorcerer MC feat that gave the Dragon Magic class feature, which makes Sudden Scales legit amazing for high-Str chars, but it seems that was a trick of memory!

They're actually different. Shield is a Power Bonus (SS is untyped). But SS is only against the triggering attack, while Shield lasts until the end of your next turn. Very useful against a multi attacking enemy or against multiple enemies.


Added Order Adept theme — great for poaching Wizard utility powers of any level. The compendium was incorrect at some point.

Also, just as a general reminder, black is not a low rating. It is a rating that the power is likely outstanding — but corner-case if you want to poach it with an MC feat given you probably have better choices either in your own class or that MC class to consider. Mass Charm is great, but are you really MC'ing Wizard for it? Ditto for Sudden Scales — it is a solid "No, that missed!" power, but at the same time, it doesn't do what Shield does which is "No, that attack vs AC/Reflex missed. And now everyone else stuck next to the lockdown Defender with their attacks vs. AC/Reflex have some bad decisions to make until the defender's next turn.

Sudden Scales redefines an attack. Shield potentially redefines an entire round of combat.


Noted Arms of Hadar as purple. In combo with Mirror Darkly, essentially a pseudo-area attack spell for Con Warlocks. It might be tricky for some PCs to use though. Yes, will note the heresy — Arms of Hadar and Elder Constellation are both reasonably decent Con Warlock powers and in combo with say MC Wizard and Novice Power for Fire Shroud, Con Warlocks can have both fun and viable encounter power choices in Heroic.


Lead the Attack in original form would be sky blue (at least) correct?
I'd view it as a Sky Blue. It might very well be a Gold Power from a Warlord standpoint, but it still isn't powerful enough to make everyone into a Warlord by itself. Particularly in the other combats of the day.

Voidrunner's Codex

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