Ship ownership for profit

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Let them set up businesses, and then have those businesses trend in the long run to making about 4% return on investment per year once the market settles down. Use the businesses as hooks to get them into adventures. Everyone will have fun.

Ships should have a higher average profit margin than land caravans because of the increased chance of catastrophic losses. The are the original high risk/high reward investment.

Of course, this means that the ship should occasionally be in catastrophic danger. But if the PCs are on board that is, IMO, all but guaranteed by the PCs, so no worries there.

Harn “Pilot’s Almanac” is good, if you want “realistic” fantasy RPG trading ships. They also have an adventure for a merchant ship called “Dead Weight” and a resource about river trade and a small trading vessel called “Thard River Trade Route”.

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Harn “Pilot’s Almanac” is good, if you want “realistic” fantasy RPG trading ships. They also have an adventure for a merchant ship called “Dead Weight” and a resource about river trade and a small trading vessel called “Thard River Trade Route”.

I did find it. Thanks! Just hadn't scrolled far enough...

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