Level Up (A5E) Martial Artistry (3pp book in the works) Ideas and Concepts

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Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Just compiled all the classes into a single working document...

42 pages. With only 1 piece of art for each class.

Mass Combat is another 10. Combat Traditions are already 8 and need more work. Neither have any art, yet. That's just 18 pages of text. Then there's the archetypes, the heritages, the combat synergies... I'm probably gonna make some Martial cultures, too... maybe a few new backgrounds.

This book, without monsters, is already bigger than Paranormal Power. And it needs more art.


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
I made a document for feedback on the classes. It's just a list of all of their class feature names in bullet point form so people can pick a feature and then add a comment on Google Docs.

JUST listing the class features is 8 pages. I blame the Sentinel. 11 class features for the Sentinel, an additional 9 (plus Synergy Training) for each companion. Really pads the class out quite a lot...


The Champion and Gunslinger are a page and 4 lines, give or take... The Warcaster is almost two pages. But -this- monster is FOUR pages long. Just listing abilities.


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Update: Make that 12 once I included all the exploded abilities. Like how a reputation ability gives you 3 options. And then included all the Knacks as well...

Yeesh. No wonder this thing has taken me so long to write. I burned myself out pretty hard on those. Welp! Back to editing.

Voidrunner's Codex

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