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Iseldec’s Drop (Levels 9-12)
We are now deep into Iseldec’s Drop – these levels are hundreds of feet below the ruins above, and those found down here only know of the surface because the twenty-foot wide shaft at the centre of the dungeons pierces to the sky above. Those things that inhabit these depths have no easy way back up as there are no stairs or ladders between levels 8 and 9 – the only way down here are the two small shafts in the southwest corner of level 8, or the central shaft that descends much further down…
In fact, this section of the drop is connected to larger dungeon ruins on level 10, and anything living here now likely came from there, not from the surface…
These four levels of “Iseldec’s Drop” again repeat the tightness of the design of the upper levels – each level fitting into a 160 x 160 foot area. While level 9 is natural caves around the shaft, the three next levels appear to be something very different – indications that this shaft was once part of something beyond the ken of the societies and cultures that exist around here now. The walls of these levels are an ancient glazed ceramic and there is a repeating circular shaft motif that repeats around the central shaft.
The falling waters that enter the dungeons on level 8 splash down along the central shaft to deeper levels below, but also are partially diverted by the edge of the shaft on level 9, producing a small stream that pours down into the ancient structures. At some point these lower levels were badly damaged and partially caved in – but only partially blocking access from level 12 to the dungeons beyond (just about any dungeon can be inserted here – none is provided as part of this map set so pick one that works for you).
The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 9,600 x 9,600 pixels (32 x 32 squares). To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for the recommended 10‘ squares that make sense with the design) – so resizing the image to 2,240 x 2,240 pixels or 4,480 x 4,480 pixels, respectively.
Iseldec’s Drop (Levels 9-12)
Iseldec’s Drop (Levels 9-12) (300 dpi promo – no commercial license) We are now deep into Iseldec’s Drop – these levels are hundreds of feet below the ruins above, and those found…