D&D General Royal Mail D&D 50th Anniversary Stamps

The UK's Royal Mail is following the US Postal Service in releasing 50th Anniversary D&D stamps.

The UK's Royal Mail is releasing a set of 50th Anniversary D&D stamps. They're different from the US ones, and have new art from Wayne Reynolds.

You can get the stamps in a presentation pack, or individual stamps enlarged and framed, along with stamp books and collector's sheets.

The Royal Mail has an interview with Wayne Reynolds here.




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I'm amused at the idea of some pensioner trying to mail something and wondering what the trunk with teeth is all about.

The unified look is nice, though I might have picked someone besides Reynolds (whose work I like fine, I just associate it with a frozen-in-time version of the game from 20+ years ago). To contradict myself, I wish the USPS versions had done more of a survey of the game's iconic art rather than the somewhat bland collection we got (there's what, Elmore red box and Jacobson in there?). Growing colder on that new design of Vecna the more I see it...

Wow, clicking on the link, they really went all out with a lot of choices!
You weren't kidding--the Royal Mail is running circles around USPS for merchandising options! "Undermonetized" indeed!


I like them better than the US version. And some art pieces have been especially made for this set.

When is the last time Wayne Reynold's art featured in a D&D book?

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